Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 4 {Elton John}

Howdy folks! I am so exponentially pissed you have no idea! The one week I take a freakin' break, Tom Hanks and Jake Gyllenhaal come to town and ask to be in a skit or two! AND I CAN'T BE IN THEM. So frustrating you have no idea, although I kind of feel bad for Elton John because it's his time to shine as host and he's getting overshadowed by Tom Hanks and Jake Gyllenhaal. According to Seth, Tom's in 3 scenes. No offense but that's ridiculous.

I was walking around one of the sets and as they were pushing one of them by me it ran over my foot. Two broken toes! Today's just getting worse....HOWEVER, last night was very cool! We got to go to Lingings and have some Tai Food for Albert's birthday last week, finally I get to hang out with all the Strokes, I've missed them so much since france. Fab knew about Drew, did I already tell you that? Well yeah, he's not mad, just appalled. Is that worse? Who knows. Oh! Julian's sweet sweet mother Jeanette is coming to NYC tomorrow until Sunday at 11AM and she'll be staying in Julian's room while he stays in mine. I'm very excited. I've started slumping into this habit with celebrities. They tend to find me on the streets of NYC walking home or what not and just take me places. Jake (Gyllenhaal) picked me up to today (by the call of Julian <3) and we went out to dinner. One of the weirdest, yet most satisfying experiences of my life. He's funny! I like him, but I'd never cheat.