Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nikolai and Illy for Dinner

I think Sunday is my new favorite day of the week, it means cleaning, organizing, and a lazy day with Jules, tea, and TV. Woke up around 10:30am, ate breakfast at the apartment and at 1pm went to the library to do some homework. I had to finish a page worth of questions based on a video that was only available at the library, otherwise I promise you I would have just done it in my room. Once that was finished I cleaned my apartment and did the dishes because later on Nikolai and Illy would be having dinner with us! So I had to make something delicious, and my brain went with turkey meatballs! While those were being spiced and cooked Julian had another interview, this time it was a car interview and he duo-ed this interview with Beardo. 

Niko and Illy got to our place at 7pm and I gave them the grand tour, hallway, on the right closet, on the right bedroom with bathroom off of it, on the left kitchen and dinning room, and then in the right corner my big living room. I don't know I miss my old place, after dinner Illy and I were talking on the couch and she agreed. Anywho, the dinner went really well! After the tour we opened two bottles of wine and got eating, and believe it or not, they liked my food! I am not someone who is good at cooking, so the fact that they didn't foam at the mouth or choke on the food was a fantastic sign. Although during the dinner I did get called away to go pick up scripts from Lorne's office but I was back in a second. After dinner the boys stayed at the table and talked and Illy and I chatted over wine and television. Once it was 9:30pm we put on Fox and watched the premiere of Mulaney! (Nasim's new show). We didn't fall in love with it, I thought Nasim was fantastic but John just did his stand up. I think if I didn't know John or his work I would've liked the show more. Either way, Nasim is still a lovely gem and I miss her a lot. Here's a pic of Nikolai from tonight!