Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 1 {Sarah Silverman}

Last night around 10:30pm after my dinner double date with Nikolai and Illy, I got a knock on my door from the hella cool Bobby Moynihan saying Maroon 5 is here! And is practicing on stage! Well Jules and I go run on down to catch the middle of Animals, which I didn't know about till I saw it on stage (I don't really listen to the radio) and holy jesus that song is...interesting. Very sexy if he's talking to his fiancee really fucking creepy to anyone else. But right after they played Moves Like Jagger and that's a super fun song. We were all dancing like idiots in our lazy clothes. But then right when it hit the Christina Aguilera part Adam hands me the mic and goes, "Do you know it? Sing it Christina!" and thank God I did because can you imagine how awkward that would be? But I've known Maroon 5 people for a long time, they've musical guest-ed SNL 5 times, 3 of which I've been around for. So that's why they're here all early and are staying with some of the SNL cast members. I know Adam is staying with Bobby because they're actually real life friends and I know Jesse and Mickey are staying with Kenan but I think James, Matt, and PJ are staying in a hotel. LAME. But then again, we don't have massive suites for everyone.

Back to today: Jules and I had a long day today. We flew out from JFK to LAX early in the morning (7:30am) and got to LA at 9:15am for an interview at the Ellen Degeneres Show at 11am. It was definitely something I was somewhat dreading because of all the backlash I've received from leaving Bradley but I figured if I was going to explain myself to anyone it was going to be this blog, and Ellen. So all 3 of yes (yes, Lorne was also present) went to the show and both Julian and I got hair and make-up ready and I had a chat with Ellen before the show went on. I asked her "Have you prepped this audience" as a total neurotic move on my part, but she said "no" and I was worried I'd walk out to tomatoes being thrown at me or something equally horrible. But Lorne convinced me that this was not a public execution nor was it the 1800s so I should be ok. The time comes for me to walk out on the show and I walk out to some light clapping and then loud, horrific boo's from two rows of women in the back left. I stopped walking, in complete shock, and Ellen jumps up attempting to stop the audience by waving her hands and I give her one stunned look and turn around and head back stage. Julian didn't even know what was happening and jokingly said "It's over already?". I just stomped past him through the backdoor to him shouting "What happened!?" and headed straight to the car service van.

I was so...upset. I wasn't mad and I was no longer shocked I was truly hurt. I knew people wouldn't totally accept it but I never even dreamed that someone would boo, in my FACE. I think that's what was most shocking, that it was in my face. Plus this wasn't the Jerry Springer show or Maury, it was sunshine and daises DAY TIME TELEVISION, Ellen! I was super sad. Then Jules comes over and sits with me for a bit and calms me down. And then Lorne comes in and explains to me what actually happened. Apparently Bradley's mother Gloria rounded up a bunch of audience members and coerced them in booing me. I went from sad to being extremely angry and honestly I'd rather be angry than sad any day, so thanks Lorne for that. I told Ellen that I couldn't do the show, and that I could maybe do one in a week, but definitely not today and definitely not with that audience. So we flew back to NYC and got there in record time, by 10pm I was back in NBC now calmer and more relaxed. Around 10:30pm I get a call from downstairs that I have a visitor, and it's James McAvoy! What a pleasant surprise, he came to give me a script and said "I don't have much time to talk or anything but I wanted to give you this script, I read it and immediately thought of you" How sweet! Then, another 15 minutes goes by and I get another call, this time it's Bradley downstairs. So they send him up with security and I rush over to the living room where Bobby, Vanessa, and Adam Levine and hanging out. I tell them to stay there and get ready to listen to an awkward conversation as Bradley and I yell at each other. I figure if Bradley was going to do something he couldn't do it in front of 2 cast members, the lead singer of Maroon 5, and security. So, we talked. He apologized on behalf of his mother and when I didn't immediately accept the apology he got angry and stormed off, shouting insults and being argumentative.

Can I just say, thank God that's out of my life??