Monday, October 20, 2014

JC + The Voidz Tour

Since Jules and I just got back together having a worldwide tour can kind of mess that up, so we're trying to spend as much time as possible together while still keeping to our obligations. It's expensive. SO: Here's our together schedule while he's still on tour:

Thursday Oct 16th: Jules in Philadelphia minus Christina
Saturday October 18th: Jules in Virginia minus Christina
Tuesday October 21st: Jules and Christina in Nashville
Wednesday October 22nd: Jules and Christina in Atlanta
Saturday October 25th: Jules and Christina in Florida
Tuesday October 28th: Jules in Alabama minus Christina
Thursday October 30th: Jules in Texas minus Christina
Friday October 31st: Jules in Texas minus Christina
Saturday November 1st: Jules in Texas minus Christina
Wednesday November 5th: Jules in California minus Christina
Thursday November 6th: Jules in California minus Christina

And the rest I don't know for now, the green days are because I dont have SNL that week. The week after this one we've got Jim Carrey and Chris Rock back to back shows! It's weird last year we had so many off weeks.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 3 {Sarah Silverman}

More movie filming! Two voice-overs and a trip to the hospital? Mucho fun. Today we got to run through all the scenes for SNL, no costume or make-up but still fun. I film Whites tomorrow and so far Sarah has been an absolute breeze to work with. She used to write for SNL. You know, the reason why there is a lack of sketches this week is because the monologue is going to take up a huge chunk of the episode just because, well, she's hilarious. Tonight the SNL Sirens come back and perform We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus for the round table reading party. Before that Jules and I are having Fab (Moretti) and Ryan (Gentles) over for dinner, then I'm gonna go to my writer's reading party, and then I'll be back by 10pm to watch American Horror Story with the boys, on the condition that they do not speak during the episode. 

I had a voiceover this morning from 9:30am-11:20am, then lunch at NBC, then filming and another voiceover till 3pm, chill break, class from 4:30-5:45pm and then I went back to NBC to set up for Ryan and Fab! Here are two pictures of the boys. 


The SNL Sirens performance was fantastic! Aidy was definitely the star of this performance and Sarah and Maroon 5 loved it. Afterwards I got to have my mind blown by the American Horror Story premiere....that clown...truly terrifying. Good work Glee creator Ryan Murphy!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 2 {Sarah Silverman}

Scenes for this week!

Cold Open: Obama 60 Minutes-Jay, Beck
Fault in Our Stars Trailer (filmed)- Taran
Joan Rivers- Christina, Jay, Kyle, Cecily, Bobby, Sasheer
Whites- (filmed)- Aidy, Christina, Vanessa, Beck, Taran
Vitamix- Christina
Forgotten Television Gems- Cecily, Kenan, Aidy, Taran, Kate
Poem- Beck, Kyle
Weekend Update-Michael, Colin, Kate, Kenan

Stats for this week:



Winners this week: 1) Taran and Beck- 3 scenes, 2) Aidy, Myself, Jay, Kenan, Cecily, and Kyle at 2 scenes, and 3) Vanessa, Kate, Bobby, Michael, Colin and Sasheer at 1 scene. No big scenes for Saturday, can you tell? Haha

Day 1 {Sarah Silverman}

Last night around 10:30pm after my dinner double date with Nikolai and Illy, I got a knock on my door from the hella cool Bobby Moynihan saying Maroon 5 is here! And is practicing on stage! Well Jules and I go run on down to catch the middle of Animals, which I didn't know about till I saw it on stage (I don't really listen to the radio) and holy jesus that song is...interesting. Very sexy if he's talking to his fiancee really fucking creepy to anyone else. But right after they played Moves Like Jagger and that's a super fun song. We were all dancing like idiots in our lazy clothes. But then right when it hit the Christina Aguilera part Adam hands me the mic and goes, "Do you know it? Sing it Christina!" and thank God I did because can you imagine how awkward that would be? But I've known Maroon 5 people for a long time, they've musical guest-ed SNL 5 times, 3 of which I've been around for. So that's why they're here all early and are staying with some of the SNL cast members. I know Adam is staying with Bobby because they're actually real life friends and I know Jesse and Mickey are staying with Kenan but I think James, Matt, and PJ are staying in a hotel. LAME. But then again, we don't have massive suites for everyone.

Back to today: Jules and I had a long day today. We flew out from JFK to LAX early in the morning (7:30am) and got to LA at 9:15am for an interview at the Ellen Degeneres Show at 11am. It was definitely something I was somewhat dreading because of all the backlash I've received from leaving Bradley but I figured if I was going to explain myself to anyone it was going to be this blog, and Ellen. So all 3 of yes (yes, Lorne was also present) went to the show and both Julian and I got hair and make-up ready and I had a chat with Ellen before the show went on. I asked her "Have you prepped this audience" as a total neurotic move on my part, but she said "no" and I was worried I'd walk out to tomatoes being thrown at me or something equally horrible. But Lorne convinced me that this was not a public execution nor was it the 1800s so I should be ok. The time comes for me to walk out on the show and I walk out to some light clapping and then loud, horrific boo's from two rows of women in the back left. I stopped walking, in complete shock, and Ellen jumps up attempting to stop the audience by waving her hands and I give her one stunned look and turn around and head back stage. Julian didn't even know what was happening and jokingly said "It's over already?". I just stomped past him through the backdoor to him shouting "What happened!?" and headed straight to the car service van.

I was so...upset. I wasn't mad and I was no longer shocked I was truly hurt. I knew people wouldn't totally accept it but I never even dreamed that someone would boo, in my FACE. I think that's what was most shocking, that it was in my face. Plus this wasn't the Jerry Springer show or Maury, it was sunshine and daises DAY TIME TELEVISION, Ellen! I was super sad. Then Jules comes over and sits with me for a bit and calms me down. And then Lorne comes in and explains to me what actually happened. Apparently Bradley's mother Gloria rounded up a bunch of audience members and coerced them in booing me. I went from sad to being extremely angry and honestly I'd rather be angry than sad any day, so thanks Lorne for that. I told Ellen that I couldn't do the show, and that I could maybe do one in a week, but definitely not today and definitely not with that audience. So we flew back to NYC and got there in record time, by 10pm I was back in NBC now calmer and more relaxed. Around 10:30pm I get a call from downstairs that I have a visitor, and it's James McAvoy! What a pleasant surprise, he came to give me a script and said "I don't have much time to talk or anything but I wanted to give you this script, I read it and immediately thought of you" How sweet! Then, another 15 minutes goes by and I get another call, this time it's Bradley downstairs. So they send him up with security and I rush over to the living room where Bobby, Vanessa, and Adam Levine and hanging out. I tell them to stay there and get ready to listen to an awkward conversation as Bradley and I yell at each other. I figure if Bradley was going to do something he couldn't do it in front of 2 cast members, the lead singer of Maroon 5, and security. So, we talked. He apologized on behalf of his mother and when I didn't immediately accept the apology he got angry and stormed off, shouting insults and being argumentative.

Can I just say, thank God that's out of my life??

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nikolai and Illy for Dinner

I think Sunday is my new favorite day of the week, it means cleaning, organizing, and a lazy day with Jules, tea, and TV. Woke up around 10:30am, ate breakfast at the apartment and at 1pm went to the library to do some homework. I had to finish a page worth of questions based on a video that was only available at the library, otherwise I promise you I would have just done it in my room. Once that was finished I cleaned my apartment and did the dishes because later on Nikolai and Illy would be having dinner with us! So I had to make something delicious, and my brain went with turkey meatballs! While those were being spiced and cooked Julian had another interview, this time it was a car interview and he duo-ed this interview with Beardo. 

Niko and Illy got to our place at 7pm and I gave them the grand tour, hallway, on the right closet, on the right bedroom with bathroom off of it, on the left kitchen and dinning room, and then in the right corner my big living room. I don't know I miss my old place, after dinner Illy and I were talking on the couch and she agreed. Anywho, the dinner went really well! After the tour we opened two bottles of wine and got eating, and believe it or not, they liked my food! I am not someone who is good at cooking, so the fact that they didn't foam at the mouth or choke on the food was a fantastic sign. Although during the dinner I did get called away to go pick up scripts from Lorne's office but I was back in a second. After dinner the boys stayed at the table and talked and Illy and I chatted over wine and television. Once it was 9:30pm we put on Fox and watched the premiere of Mulaney! (Nasim's new show). We didn't fall in love with it, I thought Nasim was fantastic but John just did his stand up. I think if I didn't know John or his work I would've liked the show more. Either way, Nasim is still a lovely gem and I miss her a lot. Here's a pic of Nikolai from tonight!

Chris Prat Hosts SNL

Just a heads up, next week episode is hosted by Sarah Silverman with musical guest Maroon 5! Then the week after is host BILL HADER with musical guest Hozier! I am so excited for Bill Hader and Maroon 5, both weeks are going to be fantastic and hectic. But tonight is Chris Pratt's night! So here's the schedule for the show

NFL Cold Open 
Chris Pratt Monologue
Cialis Turnt 
He-Man and Lion-O 
Vet Office 
Marvel Trailer
Ariana Grande performs
Weekend Update
Booty Rap 
Bad Boys 
NFL Intros 

Ariana Grande performs
Video Game 

Ending Bows

So far today I've been in my He-Man sketch costume all day because 1) it's not a costume it's a cool outfit and 2) I don't feel like changing right before the show opens so I'll just be super prepared. I've basically been running around studio 8H from writers room to writers room either helping people memorize their lines or by making sure people don't die from exhaustion. We were up damn late last night, I didn't get to bed till around 2:30am and I know Colin was up at least till 6am. Anyway, more info AFTER THE SHOW!

~After the show~

HAPPY PREMIERE OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE! Ah,what a fun show and what a great job to Michael Che and Pete Davidson! Pete's monologue in Weekend Update was so stellar and Michael stumbled at first but then kicked ass till the end. Now I'm off to the crazy after party and then to some crazy sleep. Good night everyone!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 5 {Chris Pratt}

LOTS of filming today. for the movie of course. I only had one scene this week that had to be filmed and we filmed it yesterday! I woke up around 10:30am and attempted to watch Project Runway but THERE WAS NO NEW EPISODE. What the heck, no America's Next Top Model OR Project Runway this week? Are they TRYING to get me to tend to my responsibilities?! What jerks.

I woke up to a text on my phone saying that NBC had to shut off their 7th, 8th, and 9th floor water, meaning that I could not flush a toilet, take a shower, wash my hands, or drink filtered tap water. I was pissed. OH! Speaking of pissed, the shit has hit the fan, the word is out and has stuck, and I am on the cover of People magazine, it's a big picture of Bradley and I with a rip down the middle with a big "ESSENELLE CALLS IT QUITS!" on the front. And then right underneath in smaller letters is "Christina reunites with Strokes frontman Julian Casablancas in France. Leaving Bradley heartbroken and alone" so because of that Jules and I will be making a brief 10 minute appearance on Ellen this Monday (October 6th). That should be fun, Ellen keeps things light so I know she won't bash me for things I'm accused of doing. 

Anyways, like I said today I have filming for the movie! I am filming a scene with the lovely and talented Chloe Sevigny! It's a cool scene that involves teeth prosthetic so I'm pumped. It's just Chloe and I so it should go smoothly, and the scene is only about 2 minutes long so it really shouldn't take longer than a few hours at the most. In my very rare free time I've been looking at the footage we already have filmed for the movie (we have half of it filmed and almost half of it edited) and it's looking really nice. We even have a damn color scheme for the movie, who even does that? (blue and black homies). By the way! Jules was on The Tonight Show this Tuesday, here's a link:  and a sexy gif: By the way, I've gotten a few emails about what Julian's pin says, it says WE'RE DOING OUR THING.

Lots of rehearsal today. I actually had a conversation with Chris Pratt talking about how he definitely does not hate me and is really excited to be on SNL that he's bringing his wife to sit in the front row. Adorable, and I'm super happy to not be hated! How nice. Considering the fact that I have a make-out scene with him tomorrow it would probably be a good idea if he didn't hate me haha.

Around 7pm Jules and I got Mediterranean food delivered to us at NBC and while eating that I rehearsed lines and he rehearsed singing with emotions instead of his normal dead pan singing. Oh for those wondering, I haven't seen Ariana Grande whatsoever. I don't even think she's here to be honest, she might be getting here tomorrow just for the show because I think she's...on tour? Not entirely sure. Either way, it was a busy day, and CHRIS PRATT HOSTS SNL TOMORROW NIGHT!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 4 {Chris Pratt}

Is it bad to watch your own movies? I did anyways. Today is Thursday! AKA crazy intense writing and rehearsing and editing day. Here was my crazy ass schedule:

9:00am-10:15am: training with trainer for film
10:30am-11:30am: chemistry lecture
11:30am-4:15pm FREE TIME!
I cannot explain to you how amazing this free time was, Jules and I went food shopping which ended very quickly because people started recognizing us and we had to jump out of there...but other than that it was nice! We drank tea/coffee and watched TV, then Jules had an interview for SPIN magazine and I went to go work on the movie.
4:30pm-5:45pm: court lecture
6pm-11:35pm SNL meeting/rehearsal
This took forever, we were filming the Marvel trailer sketch and we had multiple costume changes as well as hair and make-up so it just took a long time plus we wanted to shoot some sketch was a long night.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 2 and 3 {Chris Pratt}

SNL Hell, here we go.

Tuesday September 30th
9am-10:15am work out with trainer for movie
10:30am-11:20am chemistry lecture
11:30am-1:20pm chemistry lab
4:30pm-5:45pm ethics lecture
short break to get dressed and look like a not exhausted human
7pm-9pm SNL writers meeting
9pm-11pm The Strokes on Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday October 1st
9:30am-11:25am forensics lab
12pm-3pm writers meeting
3:30pm-4:20pm work out with trainer for movie
4:30pm-5:45pm psychology lecture
6pm-7:30pm SNL cast meeting and greeting
7:30pm-9pm concert by the Roots

I am dead. Here are the sketches for this week!

Marvel Trailer (filmed) - Beck, Christina, Bobby, Jay, Taran, Kyle
Bad Boys - Beck and Kyle
Booty Rap - Aidy, Sasheer, Vanessa, Bobby, Kate, Cecily, Beck, Kyle
NFL Intros - Kenan, Beck, Taran, Bobby, Jay, Kyle, Michael, Colin, Pete
He-Man and Lion-O - Kyle, Taran, Christina
Video Game - Bobby, Sasheer, Pete, Christina, Taran, Kyle
Cialis Turnt (filmed) - Taran, Cecily, Aidy, Beck
Vet Office - Kate, Cecily, Vanessa, Bobby
NFL Cold Open - Aidy, Jay, Kenan
Weekend Update - Colin, Michael, Cecily, Pete

Which means the stats for this week are:


AKA Top Players this week are, 1. Kyle Mooney at 6 scenes! 2. Taran Killam and Beck Bennet at 5 scenes and Cecily Strong at 4. Rock on you crazy mo-fos. My scenes are all ridiculous, in Video Game I get to make out with Chris Pratt, in He-Man and Lion-O I get to be a bitchy sister, and in Marvel Trailer I am...PAM! Don't forget to watch this Saturday!