Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Experience

was just wonderful. I've never met Jimmy Kimmel before! And what a nice guy too, really funny, really fun, and just a sweetheart. Here's basically what happened:

You know our next guest from SNL, BBC's The Mighty Boosh and The I.T. Crowd, we know her as America's sweetheart here she is ladies and gentlemen, Christina Essenelle! (crowd cheers, hoots, hollers, and whistles as CHRISTINA walks out from the sliding door and around the set, she too is wearing a pair of sunglasses and mock throws them at the audience but then takes them back and puts them on her head, JIMMY stands and greets her with a kiss on the cheek and shows her, her seat) You're gonna keep onto those?
Yeah, they're nice. 
I like the very nice dress and sunglasses look. (audience laughs)
Well I was back stage with Robert Downey Jr. and he told me about the sunglasses thing so I thought, oh how funny would it be if I did the same thing, so I took Bob the teleprompter guy's sunglasses and was thinking of donating them. (the audience laughs
So those aren't even yours? 
No but how funny would that have been? Give it to some guy, he sells it on eBay, makes bank, and then it's just Bob's sunglasses. (the audience laughs
(coming out of a laugh) You know I'm sure the audience will find this appalling but this is the first time we've met!
(the audience cheers) It is! And what a lovely visit!
How did that happen?
You know I'm always in New York so I always get stuck with Fallon.
So you come to LA and try out a new Jimmy. (the audience laughs)
A new Jimmy! Well I must admit I have been on Conan and he's down here too so I do feel bad.
Well, you're here and looking stunning, so what're you here promoting?
Nothing. (CHRISTINA laughs) I'm just in LA for kicks. 
For kicks?
Yeah, you know going site seeing uh I saw Spiderman outside! (the audience laughs
Yeah you'll see a lot of those.
It's funny too cause I've met Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire and they've never jumped off a light post and asked me for money.  (the audience laughs)
Yeah they'll do that to you, well I know you're not here promoting anything but didn't you just finish up a movie?
I did actually! And I can finally talk about a teensy portion of it. So, yes, I did a film with Chris Nolan and it's the sequel to The Dark Knight Rises.
(the audience cheers) Wow! Now we've known for a while that you've been working with Chris Nolan but not that it was apart of the Batman franchise. Can we expect a Strokes soundtrack throughout the film? (the audience laughs and CHRISTINA sees JOE shaking his head no and JIMMY notices too)
No actually, The Strokes and I parted ways just recently. 
(with a confused look on his face his ruffles through his cards and removes one that was sticking to the back of another index card) And look at that Julian Casablancas and The Strokes are on my no-no cards. Let's cut. (the audience lights go on and JIMMY takes off his lapel mike) I am so sorry.
No no! I don't know why you had to cut, it's totally fine, you know, we're still friends. (tears well up in her eyes as make-up comes over) Ah, well this is a bad first impression. 
Oh Christina, do you want to go backstage for a minute? (JIMMY looks over at JOE and he's pointing to his watch
It's fine, good thing this show is taped. (she laughs and JIMMY smiles) Let's get this show on the road right!
Yes (everything darkens again and the make-up and camera people rush away as the countdown starts) So do you play a lead role in the film?
I'm not sure exactly how well-versed you are in the comic book world but I play the opposite to Joseph Gordon-Levitt which is Barbara Gordon or Batgirl. 
Batgirl? Wow, what an amazing role for such a budding actress! And right off the bat, you're supposed to do embarrassing stuff first you know! (the audience laughs
Oh I got all of the embarrassing stuff out of the way when I did SNL. 
You know there are some skits I've just died watching, here's one now (the play me as the Russian women from the meteor on Weekend Update, the audience laughs) Now does doing characters like that help on set?
Oh god, the antics I pulled on set...
What was one moment that was just so ridiculous?
I'll let you in on one that I didn't tell everyone on my blog. 
Oh good.
(she laughs and then claps her hands quickly together) Goody! (the audience laughs) So when we were filming we did this one scene where this bell was ringing and they had to do a slow close up of me while the bell was rang. But we had so many technical difficulties that we were thinking of just filming it, editing out the sound, and then add in the bell later but Chris was so intent on it being 100% real and live that we spent two hours-
Two hours? How long was this clip?
This bit was about 10 seconds long, literally it was let the bell ring a few times and then look at the camera for a few seconds. And it went on for two hours! So while we were waiting for the bell to be just right and for planes and cars to stop coming by Javier Bardem and I drew on these transparent sheets and we'd draw stuff like dinosaurs and fire and put them on the lens of like 3 of the cameras so when you looked through the lens it looks like I was being eaten by a dinosaur or the clock tower was on fire. (the audience laughs and JIMMY takes out a picture of a close-up of me with big goofy drawn on glasses on, the audience laughs more as the camera zooms in) Yeah that's one!
So this is what you put poor Chris Nolan through.
It was a lot of fun.
How did the camera men not notice?
Well Javier is really attractive so, he sways people easily.
Especially the men.
(laughing) Especially the men!
Alright well thank you so much for coming in you're as lovely as they say, Christina Essenelle everybody!