Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 5 {Steve Buscemi}

One scene left and that's Frozen Mexican Dinner! And I'm not in it, which means I get to explain to you how much I loved Book of Mormon. Oh man, I've never laughed so hard. I immediately bought the soundtrack and plan to watch South Park because of it. Favorite song? Dunno, tie between "I believe" and "All-American Prophet" and "You and Me (but mostly me)". Ugh so amazing, Hitler in Spooky Mormon Hell Dream? AH SO FUNNY! OJ's lawyer? okay, Elder Cunningham is literally the cutest little fuck I've ever seen. "I am here for you" ??? AAHHH, the cutest. "Turn it Off" is such a good tap number and I love the chorus. "Turn it off, like a light switch, just go click, it's a cool little Mormon trick" The Africans are the funniest. Their little rude african jokes like "my whole village has AIDS" and "Sal Tlay Ka Siti (Salt Lake City)". Ah man, Elder Price has the most incredible, impeccable, beautiful, perfect voice. Ah, I can help but adore his voice!