Sunday, November 9, 2014

San Fran

Yes, it's true, I got my hair done. I'm rocking ash ombre and I, too, love the crap out of it. Thank you for all your sweet emails and all the positive press! Today I head to San Francisco to be with Jules! I'm currently on the plane waiting to take off so I figured I'd write something. Jules and I have been skyping for the past two days and it's probably annoying for me to say that I missed the crap out of him. It's funny we dated for 3 years and 8 months and the final 10 months were spent almost entirely apart with a vacation to each other every now and again and the other 34 months were spent almost entirely together. According to Nasim in an interview, "they were practically connected at the hip". I'll share those interviews at another time (or possibly at the bottom of this post, I do have a long flight). So it's funny that we've reverted back into that where's-my-twin phase. But hey, I'm loving it. Oh and this past Monday (the 3rd) was our two month anniversary of our new relationship...does this add to the first 44 months or does it start over? Lemme just poll y'all.

Actually I'll post the relationship quotes now:

Nasim Pedrad: "I'm so happy for them, I've known Christina for a long time and I think they make a perfect couple."

Seth Meyers: "I'm not surprised, when you're with someone for so long it's hard to move on to someone else."

Fab Moretti: "Before they broke up I would always say they were like Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder and when they broke up I felt so bad! But I guess they're not a Johnny or Winona any more."

Noel Fielding: "Well they're both quite crazy, so it doesn't really surprise you, does it?"

Tyson Ritter: "I'm happy if she's happy." And it went on like that, but the most in depth quotes are going to be from Jules and my interview with Ellen...which premieres Monday! Here's a sneak peak:

Christina Essenelle! How are you, how are you doing?

I'm doing well! Saturday Night Live is back in full swing and we just finished up our third episode this past weekend.

I know, I saw, I've always loved your kissing characters (laughs). A little while ago I had Kate McKinnon on the show and she was talking about how you were her inspiration to audition in the first place.

Really? Aw that's so sweet of her...I love Kate, she's definitely a show favorite. Now I know how Kristen felt when I joined the cast!

She's a role model to gay blondes everywhere, well, except for me of course. (everyone laughs)

It's a lot of fun working with her and Aidy Bryant, they're a ridiculous duo of chaos.

Speaking of chaos, you've had quite the fall! (she points to the wall behind her and it's a magazine cover of Bradley and Christina and a big rip between their pictures "ESSENELLE CALLS IT QUITS!")


(reading the cover) "Christina reunites with Strokes front-man Julian Casablancas in France. Leaving Bradley heartbroken and alone" Well that can't be right. (she laughs)
 Is it?

Well, yes and no. I am back together with Julian but Bradley is not heartbroken and alone he's off gallivanting with a 21 year old model.

Does that upset you?

It upsets me that he was cheating on me with her for several months and didn't tell me. (audience is shocked as well as ELLEN)

Really? When did you find out about this?

I've explained this on my blog in a master post but I'll reiterate. I had a dream about Julian out of nowhere and I thought I'd drop him a line. We hung out twice and it was very apparent that there was still strong feelings between the two of us. So I put it to the test and told Julian to meet me where Id run and hide to, flew to France that night, got there in the morning and Jules got there a half hour later and we just...I don't think there was a moment during our break up where I didn't love him (getting swept up) ugh, don't ugly cry. Haha.

(hang rubbing shoulder) It's ok.

It's so awful that I'm being portrayed as this heart-breaker when in reality I got dumped, and on a whim decided to give someone else a chance, someone who I knew could love me and deal with all the madness. Julian and I broke up in 2013 because he was ready to settle down and start a family, and I wasn't. It wasn't because we didn't love each other or because someone cheated, I just wasn't ready for the next step.


So what happened after you two met up in France? 
We traveled for like a month through France, through was the honeymoon we needed back in 2013. It was as though no time had passed and we were the same again. I'm happier with Julian, despite all the tabloid drama... we are a happy couple.


(audience cheers) Well I'd hate to keep you from someone who's been kept from you for so long, ladies and gentlemen Julian Casablancas. (audience cheers and JULIAN walks out and waves, ELLEN and CHRISTINA are standing when JULIAN low tackles her and sweeps her into a big hug and kisses her cheek, the audience laughs and CHRISTINA regains her footing and they share one passionate kiss. The audience aws. Everyone sits down and JULIAN puts an arm around CHRISTINA and they both cross their legs and CHRISTINA rests her head on his shoulder, ELLEN has a big smile on her face and the audience aws againYou two seem really happy. Christina, as someone who is on SNL and comes into contact hundreds of celebrities and musicians, why Julian, when you met you were with Andy Samberg at the time-
(mutters to CHRISTINA, speech is slightly audible, CHRISTINA laughs)

What's that?

Oh no I was just saying I'm good at making Christina break up with her boyfriends (everyone laughs and CHRISTINA puts her head in her hands and she shakes her head laughing)

That's true! You do have a knack for that Julian. But what is it about him that just struck you "I need to be with this man"

When I met him in 2010-

4 years ago!

I know! Together for 3.5 years...but anyways, when I met him I was taken aback by his music first and foremost. We filmed Boombox and I was listening to his studio work and he just had this gorgeous angelic voice. Then we first hung out at a party a day or two later and he was just I don't know he was just this really rad guy who wanted to play video games and babysit with me. No one has made me get butterflies as much as he does, you know, no one makes me smile as much (JULIAN grabs her sides and she squirms and smiles) he's my idiot. Haha.

And Julian you're in a similar position, fans must ask you all the time, why go back to Christina, what makes her the one you want to be with?

Umm, definitely a less...elegant answer. Haha, no, um, Christina knows me, you know, she knows what I want to say when I can't say it, she-

She has great tits is what he means to say- (the audience ooos)

Woah! (JULIAN is laughing)

Um, yeah that too. Haha, well what do you mean why did I go back to her or why did I originally like her?

Why did you originally-

Ohh, ok, well I mean, just look at her. She's beautiful, and she's a very impulsive person so it's never a dull moment.

She keeps you on your toes.


Well thanks Jules. (they kiss)

Christina how did you know Julian would go to the right place in France?

Right place in the world. My only clue was that she would take a plane over there.

Haha sorry, but you figured it out! I guess I am pretty impulsive. Uh, how did I know, right, uh I didn't! I guess would be the best answer. But during our break up we'd hung out a few times, twice the week of our France excursion, I saw him at the Nightwing premiere-

We also would text occasionally, make sure the other was okay-
Yeah like I said, we ended things mutually, I just wasn't ready for the next step.
So what's on the table for the two of you know, what's next for Essenancas? (they both laugh)
I forgot about that nickname.
That was my email password for a long time haha. (a brief pause, they both take deep breaths) Well, Julian's solo album just came out, Tyranny, and he's on tour right now so he's going to be doing that for probably (to JULIAN) what, a year?
Probably less.
Yeah, and I'm still working on this movie and SNL so I'll be in NYC for at least 2 more years.
And I'll be there too.
Sounds like happy days are ahead. (they both smile) Well thank you both so much for coming in and talking to us and Christina know that we're all happy you two are together and happy. Let's give another hand to our guests!

I landed in San Francisco earrrrlllllyyy. Got to use Lorne's plane and his awesome stewardesses (Alice being the coolest) and we landed at 8am (11am NYC time) and Julian rode up with the town car that would've picked me up from the runway anyways. I love seeing him, he always surprises me with something and this time he surprised me with food from this weird (but delicious) place in SF that only sells French Fries and different types of soup. SO GOOD! I was so jet-lagged though so we ate this together in the town car and then Julian dropped me off in his tour bus and I slept for two hours while he did God knows what. 

Once I got up I saw that Julian was with Jake and Beardo in the other part of the tour bus just hanging out and I joined them. I think I'm closest to Jake at this point, Beardo is definitely not my biggest fan but hopefully that changed a little today. I was talking to the three of them and I asked, mainly to Jules, but out loud "Can you guys listen to me sing this song and tell me if it sounds good enough for TV?" and Beardo rolled his eyes and Jake nodded and I started singing. The other guys were in the other part of the bus so they could hear as well. A minute into the song the other guys popped in and stood by and watched mouth agape. Once the song ended Julian was smiling and the rest of them just stood/sat there in stunned silence. Amir was the first person to say anything

Holy shit.
Haha, did you like it?
I didn't know you could sing.
What? I thought you saw me sing on Jimmy Fallon for Halloween with Jennifer Lawrence!
We did, Jules made us watch it but I figured he was covering up for you by saying you were singing when really you were lip-syncing.
(in awe) You thought I was lip-syncing...?!
I don't think I would've ever believed you had you not just sang for me.
Does this mean you can play piano too?
And gymnastics?
(she smiles and looks at JULIAN) Someone get me a keyboard. (few moments later she has a keyboard and starts playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata with her leg behind her head)
I told you guys. 

It was a lot of fun, I love playing the piano. It's like math, there's a right key and a wrong key so it's easy to memorize the key strokes. Haha, Strokes. We got dinner delivered to us and it was pretty good! Balsamic vinegar chicken, onions and garlic stew and Jules had tomato soup and a grilled cheese. He's all about soup today. Julian and I hung out till the last minute before his show started, I felt a little bad but hanging out with him like we did is just too fun. He's doing a signing in San Francisco tomorrow and then we hit the road for the Pacific Northwest. So excited!AND Jules and I are currently planning a trip together for the week after Christmas, we don't know where yet but we know it'll just be the two of us and somewhere where we can do a lot of things (aka not some town in the Midwest), hopefully not America at all, I love travelling outside the country and hope to do so with the Voidz. Still don't know that far ahead for my SNL schedule. Anywho, I'm off to go peruse the internet. Julian and the Voidz are playing right now, sounds good! More later, toodles!