Thursday, November 6, 2014

Not Posh Mosh

Even though Chris Rock is hosting this week I decided to head to California with Julian to see him perform in Santa Ana and Los Angeles! I finished up my filming Monday and Tuesday so it was a doable trip. Julian was on the road almost all of last week in Texas and sadly we did not get to spend Halloween together because of all the preparation we had to do for the Jim Carrey episode (how great was the Chandelier Costume Contest sketch??) but Halloween was magnificent anyways. SNL hosting a huge Halloween party in the studio and I pregamed that party with Nasim, John Mulaney, Kristen, Fred, Bill, Nick Valensi and Nikolai. I love that I know so many nicks that I have to put the last name but I have yet to meet other Nikolais. I dressed up as Wednesday Addams, Nasim was a sexy vampire (no surprise there, Nasim is always something sexy for Halloween I'm either something funny or really dark), John was a s'more, Kristen was Marilyn Monroe, Nikolai was Don Draper (AKA he wore a suit and drank whiskey), Nick was nothing from cause he's too damn cool, and Fred and Bill were dads, which is funny because Bill just looked normal but Fred looked ridiculous. Here's a pic of Nick:

The relationship between Nick and I is much better alone than it is with Julian. Nick invited us to his house for a party a week ago and everything seemed pretty okay, not back to normal but we're definitely working on it :)

The party was insane but not even NEARLY close to the crazy mosh pit murder fest that was the JC + The Voidz Santa Ana show. Holy Jesus, we got to the show in Jules' tourbus/Trailer around 4pm and people were already lined up. Main attire was black, leather, and lace main age was 16-24 which is way younger than I would've guessed. Usually when I go see Julian perform I just hang out backstage because I figured the last person the audience would want to see is the girlfriend of the guy their screaming about but this time I stuck to Julian's side and during the concert danced a little on the side wings while he played. The opener (Part Time) went for an hour and the audience absolutely hated it, one guy screamed out "PLAY SOMETHING THAT'S NOT GENERIC!" and there weren't many people who denied that statement...I was with Julian during that comment and he felt really bad because he asked them to come out and they were getting heckled...but what can you do. You're an opener, not a headliner.

Once Julian walked out the crowd turned vicious and started trampling people to get to the front, I mean, people were literally disappearing from the crowd as these massive guys were slamming their way to the front. It was insane. Towards the end of the show one girl was crowd surfing and then passed out while being crowd surfed so she fell on her head and security had to escort her out. Literally, not cool...super scary. After they did their encores Julian jumped back stage and took his denim vest off and found me.

(exhales and wipes sweat from his face) Holy shit. That fucking crowd!
Are you going to go out there and meet them?
Are you kidding me? They're fucking animals, I thought you'd be the first person to say I shouldn't go out there.
Oh I definitely don't want you going out there, I just didn't want to be the one that swayed you into that decision. Haha, yeah let's keep you alive for tomorrow's show.
God damn, did you see that girl?
Yeah I wanted to grab her and take her backstage. Poor kid.
Alright let's chill here till the crowd dies down then tour bus back to hotel? 
Sounds good.

So if anyone reading this was at that show, calm the fuck down. 
Here's a picture of Jules for those chill fans out there: we got some post show chasers for our drinks. So fucking adorable.