Monday, November 10, 2014

Amoeba Signing


Anways, I wasn't in LA for the Burger Records signing (because of SNL) but from Jules I heard it took him around 4 hours to get through everyone (and there was only 150 people! and then some extras that Jules couldn't turn away) so when I heard he was doing another signing in SF I was like...well fuck. What the hell am I supposed to do today?? But I came up with a solution. I have classes anyway, and I am most certainly not welcome to the signing (not by the band but I can't imagine the fans would like to meet their idol while he's there canoodling his girlfriend [haha canoodling, I spelled that right OFF THE BAT, go me]) so Jules thought if I hid during the signing with headphones (another reason why I didn't want to be at the signing was that girls would definitely be shit-talking me to Jules and I just don't need to hear that) on while I do my homework/watch classes online underneath his table...I should be fine. So if anyone sees this after they meet the band and think "What was the light shining on Julian's crotch?" it's my computer back light, and it's beautiful. Signing starts at 4pm so I'm chilling (10:41am) right now. I'm actually writing this blog-post while doing some research work for some grad students at Columbia. Then I have to register for classes for next spring and then I've got a chemistry class...lunch with Jules...then the signing while I watch a court class on my computer...then a skype session with a group of students and me for a forensic project...then at 7:30pm the signing should be winding down by then and we can get dinner and watch Gotham together (everyone go watch Gotham, no one I know is affiliated with it, when I say watch Gotham it comes directly from a this-show-is-fucking-awesome place in my heart). So that's the schedule right now, I'll update throughout the day. 

I finished my research and registration much faster than anticipated! I'm done with both of those things and it's 11:37am, more time fixing Jules' hair...

I think I broke my middle right toe just now. I was rushing into the trailer and I slammed my foot into a hard wall and literally screamed out in pain. Jules, instinctively, rushed over and grabbed me as I fell down saying over and over "It's okay, it's okay, you're okay, breath, shhhhhh, you're okay" and that's how New Yorkers react to a probably broken toe. It's gross and swollen now and I hit it so hard that the nailpolish came off. What the fuck?? Poor baby toe. But according to my basic knowledge of smaller toes...they break all the time and heal themselves. So, yay! Anyways, like I was saying, I registered for classes for spring: Jazz Dance, Intro to Learning, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Sexuality and Family Life, Adolescent Development, and another research course. Fun stuff right?? I actually planned out my schedule pretty well:

Monday 11:30-12:20 and 1:30-2:20 classes
Tuesday 9-10:15, 12-1:15, 1:30-2:45 classes
Wednesday 11:30-12:20 and 1:30-2:20 classes
Thursday  9-10:15, 12-1:15, 1:30-2:45 classes
Friday 11:30-12:20 and 1:30-2:20 classes

Which leaves me a lot of time for SNL and the movie (which is almost finished!!) Since the last time I talked about the movie I've filmed another 5 whole scenes (which is a lot since the scenes are quite long). Only 16 scenes left...and I'm in all of them haha. Tom Hiddleston is done and Ryan is almost done, but Liam Neeson and I have a lot more stuff to do.

The signing is official over!! It's 9:59pm right now but it finished around 9:07pm. Boy that took a long time. After 2 straight hours of me watching either tv/class/or studying I got an important phone call and I didn't even realize my phone was on and it rang so loudly and vibrated so crazily that I hit my head on the table above me and then crawled out behind the band and went to the next room to take the call. It was from Chris Nolan about me being in New York this Sunday to film, which I was already gonna do anyway so no worries there. But when I entered the room again in my all black get up (hoodie, sunglasses and black football black cheek lines) people didn't seem or react like they recognized me so I just ducked down and went under the table again. A few more signatures later and I hear a girl ask "Can I get a picture with you and Christina?" and Julian looks down under the table and I shake my head no while waving my hand across my neck. Julian then went back up to the girl and said "She's asleep" and the girl said "I just saw her climb down two seconds ago!" and then Julian looked at me and I popped up and asked the girl "You wanna get in the middle?" and then she said "No, no I want to take a picture of the two of you!" and we looked at each other quite confused but then posed for her in a goofy way and then she asked for both of our signatures and was on her merry way...quite interesting. Another girl asked for my signature while I was under the table and I took the sheet underneath the table and signed it there, "To Alyssa, Your name is difficult to spell which means when you're famous you can go by your first name, unlike me, -Essenelle" and then a heart underneath. Supa cute. After that I only took one more picture with a girl in the middle of us and then was mainly under the table alone after that. 

I was blasting music from my headphones so loudly that once the signing was over I didn't hear them shout at me or flicker the lights so while I'm on my computer I just see Julian crawling to me in the dark and I jump up and, yet again, smack my head on the table above me. They all had a good laugh and we left to go get dessert and SLEEP. We were all exhausted. Now we hit the road to Oregon! More laterzzzzzzz. <- ew.

Oh btw:
I took some pics of Jules right after the signing, it was "We're done!" snaps picture, Julian notices me taking pictures, snaps picture, "I love you...!", snaps picture, Beardo shouts "To Oregano!" (inside joke), snaps picture