Thanksgiving was in New York with me, Jules, his step dad and brother, and mother. It was a lot of fun! We watched The Internship and ate turkey and candied yams.
Cameron Diaz hosted and it sucked! Oh well.
Today (Black Friday) Fab, Albert, Jules and I saw Horrible Bosses 2 and got Chinese food for dinner.
19 Reasons We Love 'SNL' and JC
Christina Essenelle and Julian Casablancas back together? Hell yes!posted on Nov. 5, 2014, at 10:28 a.m.
2. He's obsessed with her...and so are we!
There’s really nothing better than a hilarious girl killing it on TV and MOVIES.
3. They party, hard.

Reading Christina's blog is like getting drunk yourself, and we want more.
4. Even when they broke up, Julian went to her movie premiere, adorable!
Are we using adorable too much? Don't even care.
5. They were on Ellen, and were so cute I cried.

Getty Images/iStockphoto Shaiith
"We'll be in New York for at least two more years" ...YYAAAASSSSS!!
6. She makes that garbage man look chic.
Momentum Pictures
I mean, when has your garbage collector ever looked sexier??
7. He makes that crazy girl look sane.

Universal Pictures / Via
They remind me of these two.
8. He literally chartered a jet to find FRANCE.
Columbia Pictures
Only to you know, rekindle their ADORABLE LOVE OH MY GOD.
9. It means Bradley is out of the picture.

Never has the public hated Bradley Cooper more than when we found out he was abusive. No thanks!
10. More blog posts about The Strokes.

We understand and we love.
11. Christina's wardrobe.
Castle Rock Entertainment / Via
We don't understand. But we love.
12. Julian Casablancas is back on the map.
He dropped off the face of the earth when they broke up, and the world wept.
13. Maybe Julian will beat up another guy for her.

So exciting the first 20 times...can we have another chivalrous beat down JC??
14. Groomed Jules!
Awards season is coming up and guess who is going to be Christina's plus 1...
15. Christina's happy.

That whole Bradley Cooper thing was so depressing, thank GOD JC is back!
16. Sexy new songs from Julian

"I'm gonna f&$% your face for breakfast cause I love being weird"
"I'll get in the back seat and I'm gonna eat you out"
"I'm gonna ride your ass when we're doing it from behind"
17. They're the perfect mix of comedy and music.
First Look Studios / Via
More Strokes on SNL! More Essenelle on Strokes!
18. Their eclectic fashion sense has got us all jumping.

For joy? Possibly.
19. In general, they're perfect. And I will fight you on this.
Les Films Impéria / Via
Get married already dammit. I want the pictures now.