Thursday, August 8, 2013


I leave for New York in 8 days...ah so soon! Here's what's been going on:

Trevor Moore, Zach Creggar, Darren Trumeter, Bradley Cooper, Ben Haggerty Jen Lawrence, Tyson Ritter, Drew Barrymore and myself all went to Universal Studios to get the VIP tour experience! (this was Friday the 2nd of August) Because Universal Studios is affiliated with NBC I get to go there for free and since this was Tyson's last week in the party mansion we decided to have a little get together. It was amazing. So much fun, went on ALL the rides, and had a blast.

When Drew was very young she was in E.T. (a universal picture) and so the ENTIRE time we were at the park Trevor kept pestering Drew about E.T. and she would get so mad, it was so funny. On the studio tour there was a picture of the movie poster for E.T. and Trevor almost lost his mind it was so funny, Drew thought it was funny too so everyone had a good time. Although Trevor, Zach, Darren and I had a trick up our sleeve the whole time. See, Zach is currently working on a show called Guys with Kids with an NBC show and he has always wanted to be an extra/celebrity guest member of the Water World show at Universal Studios. So, these past few weeks the four of us (Trevor, Darren, Zach, and myself) have been getting together at Universal and have been going over lines, fire cues, diving cues, and blocking. So at the very end of the day we all went to Water World, got great seats, and then the four of us ducked out and got into costume, went backstage and did the show. I won't give anything away since the show is so memorable and I know not all of you have been to Universal Studios in Hollywood but it's a basic crime-action jet blasting awesomeness 20-minute show and I recommend it. I played the leading lady, Zach a henchman, Darren was the bad guy's sidekick and Trevor was the good guy. What a rush! Jumping off of towers and being thrown into the water was so much fun and I thank 3/5 of the whitest kids for making it all happen. A great day was had by all. Well, not all.

Ben left my house early that night, ending our "relationship". It was mutual, we both agreed that we had priorities elsewhere and that I'd be busy with SNL and he'll be on tour so it was for the best and that if we were to see each other again we'd welcome it with open arms. I respect him so much as a person, an artist, and a friend. Ladies, go get him!

Tyson left party central on Tuesday morning (the 6th of August) and I actually cried, as did Jen. This whole summer Jen and Tyson have been very close, almost as close as Bradley and I have become. They've been board game partners and co-loungers poolside and they have a lot of fun together, I hope something becomes of those two. I'll miss Tyson, he was our best cook! What are we gonna eat now? Right now he's in middle of America doing God knows what, but I love him, miss him, and can't wait to catch up with him in New York sometime soon.

The day Tyson left (Tuesday) Nasim came to L.A.! Kick out one person adopt Nasim is only here until the 13th and I'm giving her the grand tour of Los Angeles. Tuesday we (Bradley, Jen, Nasim, and I) went to the beach and after went to my pool and swam for a bit and then went out to get some dinner (pizza!) and got fro-yo after. Yum! Since Nasim was on NYC time we called it a night at 10PM. Wednesday (yesterday) we went to a Price is Right taping! but christina...price is right isn't that CBS? the assholes who made you think they found your parents? Yes bold voice, that is true, and they were SO gracious that I came in with Nasim that we didn't have to wait in line or anything. Now I hate to use my celebrity to get out of a little waiting time but let's be real, I deserved it. I'd like to think I deserve anything CBS has to offer and I will use that right until it is completely empty. Price is Right was great! Watched a 18 year old birthday girl win a new car, school administrator win a bed set and iPads, woman from south america win a car and a trip to Bali, and Drew Carey be the biggest dick ever so a poor guy who didn't win a TV. I've never seen somebody treat someone so poorly before in my life, Drew Carey I am ashamed for you, and it makes sense that you are employed by CBS. I'm probably one of the biggest Whose Line fans in this world and it pisses me off so much that you harassed a contestant on your show because they weren't "lucky" enough to pass the first round. Bob Barker would be disappointed.

And then we went to the Grove, shopped around a bit, got hot dogs and ice cream, went home, and watched Baggage until we both fell asleep on my couch. Apparently Jen woke Nasim up and walked her to her room. Haha.
