Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 6 {Movie}

Yesterday was a rough day and today is a rough day. Joe does not like Noel because of something I told Joe about Noel and Noel is frustrated with me for getting back together with Julian and I just want everyone to get along and I'm so busy with physical training and writing scenes and SNL starts in 2 weeks and...AAH! I just might explode. I just might.

I miss Jules. There's not a day that goes by when I don't remember when The Strokes toured in Europe and wish that that's where I was. I watch the In Transit movie all the time and cry at what we all had. True friendship and total destruction of it all. I don't know if Nick and I will ever be friends again. I hope so, I do miss him terribly. Julian is coming to NYC on the 28th! That's in 24 days and I'm SO EXCITED! Noel and Joe will not be living with me at that point. Privacy is a must. I think about all the time about how sad it is to think about The Mighty Boosh. As Noel said in his note to me I'm not the same person I was back during the Boosh or even after it. I know I'm being very nostalgic right now but it's been a very...reflective past few days. My relationship with Noel is so strained, we've been through so much together and I wish I could just get drunk and party and forget but everything is so different. I feel like I'm in the denouement of my story and I don't want it to be that way! I miss the past, but like Noel said, life is just moving on I can't get it back and that's what kills me.

Anyways, enough of that kind of thinking for now. Today is Tuesday so I had physical training from 8-11AM then went to lunch with Joe and Noel which was not pleasant. It was a battle of sarcasm from the moment they entered the dinning court of 30 Rock. I don't know what I'm going to do with them. Noel might have to go live at his apartment from now on, God forbid he lives where he's paying to live. I have more physical therapy from 4-7PM and then afterwards I'm meeting with a few friends at 10PM. Busy day indeed!