Monday, September 3, 2012

A Change in Scenery

Oh man, I was just reading through old posts and found this one " I just got a really nasty email about why SNL sucks and that if Andy and I were gone the show would be cancelled. Well screw you emailer, the show is more than just two actors. First off: Andy isn't really in the skits anymore. Second off: Kristen Wiig! Bill Hader! Jason Sudeikis! Come on, you can't say they're not funny." 

WHY ARE ANDY, KRISTEN, AND MAYBE JASON LEAVING? Ugh. Anyways, today has been a very uneventful day. I've mainly been on my computer just watching videos of The New Batman Adventures and listening to music while painting. I'm a pretty boring person. Noel will probably be more prevalent in my blog from now on since he's back in a flash. I did training from 8-11AM and then again from 4-7PM it was fun, they say I'm learning everything really fast and that I'm improving every hour. I can do a backhand spring but I can't do the second part of it yet. The push off from the handstand and I'm not very good at landing the handstand after the backhand spring. IT'S DIFFICULT. I would love to see you try it (unless you are the Fab Five then do not rub it in my face how obscenely talented you are). Sorry about that lack of Big Fat Quiz transcript. That game show was so much fun and I might be doing it again this Christmas! But I'm not sure, I'd really love to do it with Noel but I don't think he will be doing it and that's A-okay but... I do want him there. It's a tradition, I do British things with Noel...or things that Noel has done. Speaking of Noel, I'm in the car with him right now and we're driving upstate. Well to Saratoga Springs to go and chill in the woods. It'll be fun! We're listening to some old tunes by College and Kasabian. He says hey:

Where's Jules?
Oh we're not gonna start back up some rivalry now are we?
I hope not. I did apologize for that.
Yeah, yeah I know. He still hates you though.
Understandable. But where is he anyways?
Right now he's in California working on his latest album. 
Very cool, yeah Angles wasn't that popular was it?
Hush you. It made millions.
(laughing) I'm teasing. I brought paint by the way.
As I expected. Are you going to be living with me for the next few weeks?
Eh, who knows. I do have my own apartment but it's so lonely. 
You should probably get a girlfriend.
I'm off the market, finding meself you know?
Is that why we're going to the woods? I've found myself in the woods before.
Why were there mirrors?
Har har, so where've you been for the past few months?
London! I do have other places to be other than your apartment you know.
Sure sure, I need to get some girls in my apartment before it become a fraternity.
Well you're just one of those girls who doesn't like girls.
This is true, I do like Nasim though. And Amy and Tina.
Yes but not all the time.
Ha ha, true. Thanks for letting me stay at your apartment during my shitting spring. 
No problem. You would obviously do the same so...ha ha
Ha ha, yeah. 
Have you finished The I.T. Crowd?
Yeah, the was my last BBC project for this year. I might do another one maybe in 2013. 
Did you hear about Jimmy doing a 80s, 90s, and 00s quiz of the year? I was asked to do it.
Me too, and the one around Christmas. It's funny when the emails got sent out Jonathan said that he'd be delighted if I was his partner. 
(laughing) Yeah we didn't really give him a chance now did we?
Oh please, the audience was eating us up the second we walked into the room. I did some crazy stuff for points...remember that night?
Oh I remember it perfectly well.
Yeah you and your big kisses.
I did it for the points!
(laughs) Not according to my transcript.
Yeah I saw that, they cut out about 90% of the show!
Yeah well I wasn't going to type it up myself and that is actually a compilation of several people who sent them in in January. 
Nice fans. 
I think everyone was having a blast that night. I would do the show again.
Me too, only for kisses though.
(laughs) I'll set you up with Cat Deely then.
She's a minx I swear, gorgeous.
Yeah, if we do it again we need a better name for our pub.
Yeah that was a bit weird.
(pointing to the left side of the fork in the road) Oh make a left here.
Alright. What's Julian gonna say when he's found out you've been rattlin' around with me?
I'm sure I'll be dead.
Really? Why're you doing this then?
What's life without a little rebellious behavior? 
(he gives her a confused look and then a smile and then goes back to watching the road) Are we almost there?
Yeah it's just beyond this sign. (at this point the road is now gravel and NOEL parks the car in front of a thick meadow. They exit the vehicle
This is that place we ended up in February after what happened. 
I've seen better days. (they walk into the woods quietly remembering that day in February everything changed)

~6 months previously~
~February 12th~

(sitting on a bridge CHRISTINA and NOEL dangle their feet off the edge, nearly touching the water underneath them. She had been living with NOEL for about a month and had brought him back to the States so she could restart her life again. Once arriving in NYC she gets an overwhelming feeling of depression and she runs off with NOEL and they drive until they find a nice woodsy area to relax and unwind in) I was perfect.
We've all been screwed over at one point or another.
I was born screwed over.
I know. (taking her hand) I'm here for you.
I had a cookie cutter life after that one August. Everything was perfect, I should have known that it would end. I should have known Julian was not as perfect as he seemed to be. I should have  known! Why am I so stupid!?
(he lets go of her hand and turns her face toward him) You're not stupid. Please don't say that, can I tell you a story?
(sniffles) Okay.
When I was younger, about 16 or 17, I had two best mates. One was my good pal Rob and the other was the love of my life Carydeen. She was beautiful, didn't have a care in the world. Rob was the coolest guy ever I mean he'd wake up just ready to fight sharks I swear. Anyways, one day I wake up to police at my house. Carydeen was murdered. She was dead. I had no idea as to why or how but I knew that she was out with her friends last night. It turned out my best pal Rob had raped and killed her. He had loved her for several years and she dated me instead of him. He went to jail and I went on heartbroken. I had been with her for two years. I wanted to marry her (tearing up) we had planned to grow old together! (now breaking down) I couldn't understand why someone so close to me had hurt me so much! Someone who I trusted had ruined my life, shattered it into pieces! I didn't want to live without her and now I was forced to. (pause, he regains composure) She was the love of my life. And because of someone else, I had to forget my hopes and dreams and move on. But that's what life is, it's just moving on. Forgetting the bad and starting the new. Am I eternally blue because of Carydeen? Yes. Am I grateful to have met you? Of course. You are such a light to my day and more and more I want to move on. And that's what you have to do you have to move on. Julian was a good guy, but sometimes good guys have secrets and I'm sorry someone as righteous and beautiful as you had to be put through this and the parental ordeal. Christina just know I love you with all my heart, and if anyone sympathizes with you. It's me.
(she grabs onto his hand and holds it tightly. There is silence for several minutes, finally she jumps off the low bridge and into the creek. She takes off her soaked shoes and rolls up her pants and grabs several rocks from below. She hands several to NOEL and keeps a few in her hand) Here's to CBS! (she launches a stone into the creek) and to The Strokes! (another rock)
Here's to Rob! (he joins in, angrily throwing the rocks into the creek) and to forgotten love! (another stone)
Here's to the losers and the scum and the evil and the wrong and the demons who created the monster I am today! (now screaming) FUCK YOU ALL! (she throws all of her rocks into the creek and then begins to cry. She falls down to her knees in the river and NOEL drops all of his rocks and holds her shoulders while kneeling in the cold water)
(holding her tightly while she sobs in his hold) Come here. You're safe now. (caressing her hair he cries as well for he knows she will never be the same again

Noel wrote me a letter in May. He heard about Julian and I getting back together. He revisiting this place and wrote me this:
I descended a dusty gravel path beneath that bridge
eventually I arrived at the place where your soul had died
barefoot in the shallow creek I grabbed some stones from underneath and waited for you to speak to me 
and the silence it became so very clear that you had long ago disappeared and I cursed myself for being surprised that this didn't play like it did in my mind 
all the way from London, I chased the end of your rope. Yet I've still got miles to go 
and I want to know my fate, if I keep up this's hard to want to stay awake 

and then it started getting dark and i trudged back to where the car was parked 
no closer to any kind of truth 
as I must assume was the case with you

Come back to reality, love.
