Monday, September 1, 2014

2014 Emmy's and Beyond

Shame Shame to the iCloud leak person. Although everyone who had their nudes leaked looks fantastic so nothing to worry about there (lookin' at you Jen). CONGRATS TO ALL THE EMMY WINNERS! By now you probably know that I did not win but that was inevitable because I didn't really have a stellar season last season. But season 40 is here and I am pumped! I am back in New York and continuing filming the Untitled Chris Nolan project with an added actor on the bill! Christoph Waltz, welcome to the family, which really just consists of myself, Liam Neeson, Ryan Gosling, and Tom Hiddleston. Another girl will be cast eventually. So congrats to all my friends/NBC winners!

Currently listening to Beck's Morning Phrase album with, SHOCKER: Julian Casablancas. Yeah who would've thought that name would pop back up on this blog. Since the last time we hung out it became front page news I figured I'd report it first so people don't think I'm cheating on Bradley or something equally ridiculous. I will say I did have a crazy dream about such last night, but in the dream the reason was because it was either I cheat on him or get caught with another man's wallet down my pants so I had to kill myself and get intimate with an angel. Yeah, pretty intense dream.

I am living in my new SNL apartment now! It's kind of sad to leave my old apartment behind, I will miss it dearly but it was very small and didn't have doors to anything except the bathroom. Currently I am living in an apartment that is basically this shape:
2 lines means there's a door there, it's beautiful and has a KITCHEN, not that weird kitchenette thing I had for the past 4 years. Anywho, loving it and loving the plethora of picture frames I have to fill. Till next time!