Wednesday, May 7, 2014


"Christina the front desk says you have people here for you"
"Tell my suitors I'm taken!"

The boys. And Keira. The boys and Keira. I'm so excited for my trip to London. It's 7 weeks starting on May 19th and I've made the executive decision to spend the two weeks prior to that in Los Angeles. I won't be staying at my party mansion again but I am leaving New York slightly earlier than expected. I'm not sure what really made me want to go back to California so bad. I called up Jimmy Kimmel two days ago and we were talking and it just hit me that I had to be in Los Angeles. I dunno. It will be nice to see all my west coast bound friends. Bradley will sadly not be joining me because of work conflicts but that's okay. I leave tomorrow night for Los Angeles.

Today I got to meet James McAvoy, paparazzi were all up in that bitch.
I've been getting a lot of questions about the movie lately, what it's going to be called, what it's about, who I play, relationships in the film, how it's going, when it will come out...I can't answer it all but it looks to be coming out in January 2015. That's what it looks like. We're not even half way done filming it but at least the script is done...ha ha. It's gonna be interesting what people think of it, it is kind of controversial, I think it will leave people least that's what I think. The soundtrack is ah-mazing. Seriously. That's probably my favorite component of the whole thing. 

Benedict, James, Keira, Colin, Tom Hardy, Tom Hiddleston, and Hugh Grant, were all at NBC around 5PM here to do a intro-meeting for the class in London. It was held at NBC because most people were in town via hotel and I had the most space for everyone. It was a fun little meeting, I only knew Tom Hiddleston (I'll refer to him now on as Hiddles), I only knew Hiddles from the movie I'm currently doing (he's in it) and I've skyped Tom Hardy once because we were almost going to do a movie together. Colin I've never met, James McAvoy but have definitely seen most of his movies so I feel like I know him...everyone else I don't know at all. 

Keira and I immediately hit it off being the only two girls although I was a little left out being the only American. Everyone was really nice in general though, I was pretty attached to Hiddles' hip since I only knew him. But we played a bunch of ice breakers so it wasn't too scary. We also got to watch all of each others movies, Atonement (James, Keira, Benedict), Love Actually (Colin, Hugh), Inception (Tom Hardy), Nightwing (Me), War Horse (Hiddles, Benedict [since he didn't have a huge role in Atonement]). It was to make us respect each other. We watched it in this order: Inception, Atonement, Nightwing, Love Actually, and War Horse. The only movie I hadn't seen was War Horse and it was quite brilliant if I do say so myself! The instructor asked that I not use his/her name or put lesson plans online so I shan't! Here are some pics I either took or they took of themselves (hardy...)