Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dinner Bash

Oh how things heated up right after I posted yesterday's blog! Well, after I posted it Nikolai and I were joking around cause it was late and everyone was getting drunk and we were just kind of watching fearfully and so Niko bet me $50 that after Beardo finished his drink he would dance on the table and I bet him $50 that after Justyna's drink she'd straddle Albert. WELL, right after Beardo finished his drink he stood up and I grabbed Nikolai's hands and braced for the imminent dance and this happened:

Everyone...I'd just like to make a toast, it's great having both bands together having a good time, cause you know what? We're both great bands and we should celebrate the music! (ALBERT rolls his eyes and whispers something to NICK) What're you rollin' your eyes for, man?
What? Nothing dude, calm down.
Fuck you man I was trying to say something nice. (a few hands go up to sit BEARDO down but ALBERT puts his hands up to calm them)
It's alright, it's alright. He's just upset he couldn't play the guitar riffs today-(BEARDO nearly jumps the table while AMIR and JAKE hold him back and FAB hits ALBERT on the shoulder scolding him. CHRISTINA and NIKOLAI are now laughing quietly while covering their faces)
(to CHRISTINA) And what the fuck are you laughing at? You're the one who caused all of this!
(incredulously) Me?! 
Yeah! You ended the Strokes and so we came out and now you made us have to be friends with them! (CHRISTINA is agape and no one says anything, she turns to JULIAN who has his head down and is shaking his head. CHRISTINA gets up and slaps down JULIAN's hand which tried to grab her back. She goes up to BEARDO who is now seated and gets on his eye level and stares him down)
I don't give a fuck what you think. (she turns and walks away but BEARDO pushes her and without missing a beat she kicks one of the legs of his chair and it breaks causing him to fall on the ground. She continues to walk away as BEARDO gets up from the ground and lunges for her but misses and hits his head on the ground) Somebody clean this up. (and she leaves)

So, I didn't win the bet but I did get to watch Beardo knock himself unconscious, fucking drunk idiot. By the time I got to the room Julian was already there and I was so mad I almost went home, but, I don't quit that easily. I got three texts post-fight from Niko, Fab, and Ryan all asking if I was okay meanwhile I got one text from Jeff asking the same. It is now clear to me which band cares about my well-being more. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Primavera and Politics

We are in Barcelona Spain for the Strokes/Voidz at Primavera Sound!

First of all I'd like to say that I mentioned to Julian that it might anger the other members of The Strokes if The Voidz played Strokes songs, he did not listen, I am not accountable for his decisions.
Second of all, we all know Albert and Julian have the worst relationship out of all of the Strokes so, that reaction video is kind of obvious, no?
Third, I thought Albert's solo set was rad.
Fifth, I am still promoting Strokes as well as Voidz but you have to keep in mind that the Strokes are freakin' huge and the Voidz need more help.
Sixth, Julian has started a political blog, talk to them youngings about the good word. I dunno.
Seventh, Saw San Andreas in Spain, it was also rad, and scary. Thank God I live in NYC most of the time.
Eighth, Julian did dye his hair, it certainly is edgy.
Ninth, Strokes and Voidz do not get along, it is awkward and awful.
Tenth, Get me out of here.
Eleventh, Yes I was in the HS video, I did not promote it because it was almost cut. #realhumansadness
Twelfth, Justnya is here! She wanted me to mention that.
Thirteenth, I am blogging this from my phone we are all at dinner (Voidz, Strokes, girlfriends and management). It is an interesting table, I am in between Jules -who is in constant conversation with the Voidz side of the table- and Nikolai, who is very quiet. But I am across from Ryan Gentles (!!) so that's good. Table is kinda like this:

              Jake     Alex     Cult          Ryan          Nick         Fab
Beardo                                                                                           Albert
              Amir    Jeff     Julian     Christina     Nikolai     Justyna  

(Cult is a cult records person whose name I did not get)

Fab and Nick and a glimmer of Niko
Albert, Niko, and MY LOVE RYAN GENTLES

Niko being a badass



Saturday, May 16, 2015

How Long's It Been?

Since I did one of these fanmail asks? WELL! I'll do 15 since it's been a while:

1. Hey Christina, long time fan, got any plans once your SNL contract is up in 2017?
Holy shit, 2017 is actually not that far away, aka its been almost SEVEN YEARS since I got on this crazy train. Well I'm probably gonna do movies for a while, if they'll let me...I know I'll be done with this next one by the fall and it'll be a summer hit so we'll see what happens after that, but I'm gonna guess more movies.

2. I'm trying to get back together with my ex (#boomerang!) any advice?
Don't try. Honestly. Just move on and become a better person and if they want that better person they'll hit you up and if they don't they're an idiot. Don't chase after someone that doesn't want you.

3. Any tips for someone trying to enter the stand-up scene?
I personally don't do a whole lot of stand-up but I know a lot of people who do and they all pretty much take the same course of action, start small, practice at open-mics and then start auditioning for bigger and better venues. That's all I can say I'm sorry :/

4. You're one night show was AMAZING, like seriously, you are so freakin talented its incredible, was there anything you didn't do that night you wish you couldve?
I wanted to do target practice but they wouldn't let me because they thought it'd be hazardous! Also I'm great at hand-to-hand combat but I'd need a person to fight with and I just couldn't find anyone.

5. Are you having anyone live with you this summer other than Julian?
Eh, here and there. Drew (Barrymore) was here for a day and Kimmel was here as well but no one has taken up a bedroom or anything like that. It's less party pad and more love boat, I'll survive.

6. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in bed?
It was embarrassing at first but then super awesome after but, I said the wrong name in bed. LET ME EXPLAIN, Julian and I have been super obsessed with The Blacklist lately and we were *ahem* in bed and I was thinking of James Spader during and well..that name came out! BUT the second it happened Jules laughed and said "You were thinking of James Spader?? I was thinking of Agent Keen!" (leading female in The Blacklist) It was funny, and surprisingly brought us closer together.

7. Christina I miss your posts!! Watch any good shows or movies?
Blacklist and Secretary  (can you tell I'm on a James Spader binge?) Secretary is a better 50 Shades and is more accurate to the Dominant/Submissive lifestyle (or so I've been told)

8. Craziest drunk story?
I actually had to think about this one for a while, I think the craziest night was two Halloween's ago when Jules and I were still together and I got blackout drunk and had to literally be carried home. The entire next day I only ate soup and slept till 4pm. Eh, that's not that crazy I just can't think of anything.

9. What's something you've done before that you'll never do again? Much love <3 :D
Shots of Jager or Sambouca. Never again.

10. Out of all the guys you've kissed who was the worst?
Louis C.K. for the obvious reason that he was (instructed to) licking my face and inhaling my nose. I had fun though, haha.

11. Nightwing literally changed my life you are stunning in it, favorite day of filming that movie?
I think my favorite day was when I was literally so exhausted from the 12 hour day that I crashed during a scene in the bed and to be woken up so gently by Gary Oldman was quite the memory.

12. Who's been your favorite SNL guest host!
Oooooo good question. I think Amy Poehler is my favorite host because she was my first! Her being my first host led to such an amazing relationship with her and she is so protective of me and I love her for that.

13. Top 3 new TV shows that you watch, and whhhhhhhyyyyy :O
Broad City: Oh my god, if you haven't seen this show you must. It is so funny, so original, so empowering, flawless, ridiculous, real, it's a perfect show and it just makes me laugh to no end, WATCH IT.
Blacklist: Such a thrilling action, crime, drama, mystery that keeps you at the edge of your seat every episode. Also, James Spader is GOD.
Inside Amy Schumer: I didn't think I'd like this show because it was very dirty humour but it's actually really well done and I like it a lot. The interviews are a joy to watch and it's good to have some variety in an otherwise pretty standard sketch comedy show.

14. Why did you and Bradley break-up? :(
I think Bradley and I got together for the wrong reasons. I was feeling super lonely and he was there and was obviously very attractive and he was basically this security blanket for me and once I got over Julian (or really, got the opportunity to get back with him) I realized that we didn't love each other and that we were just using each other. Also he had another girlfriend sooooooooooooooooooo

15. Christina you are such a strong and funny woman, do you look up to other woman for inspiration?
Abso-fuckin-lutely. Julia Luis-Dreyfus, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Broad City Gals Abbi and Ilana, Ellie Kemper, Ellen Degeneres, Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig, Kristen Schaal, the list goes on.

Adios amigos.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

California Adventure Take 2

Christina and Jules hit California!...tomorrow. First off we are in Tampa, Florida for the Big Guava Music Festival, The Strokes are playing together again! We got here a few days ago and have been hanging out like them good ol' days. Justyna is here as well but Illy couldn't come :( my lady partner in crime is sadly at home taking care of Niko and her lil' babies. Here's the summer schedule!

May 9th-Florida
May 10th-May 28th-California
May 29th-Barcelona
May 30th-Barcelona
May 31st-Paris
June 2nd-Vienna
June 4th-Zurich
June 6th-Czechoslovakia 
June 8th-Croatia
June 9th-Italy
June 11th-Israel
June 14th-Istanbul
June 18th-London
June 19th-August 24th-California

And I think there will be a trip to Vegas in there for my birthday! Very exciting. I'm not 100% sure if I'll be with The Voidz past Croatia because I'm working at Viacom this summer for developing a new series but I'm not sure yet, we'll see how the first 8 shows go, considering I'm not the Voidz favorite person.

Here are some pics! Nick at beach and a night out drinking with Nick

Cute pic of Albert and Justyna :)