Saturday, October 5, 2013

You Know You're in Good Company When

you dance to music together, no questions asked
you say similar things
you would enjoy a lesbian experience with Emma Stone but know you shouldn't
you deal with shitty alcohol even though every single one of you could most definitely go out and buy the best thing out there
you sing to book of mormon on youtube together
you share personal moments together and don't get judged
you share each other's secrets
you help one another out
you live together by choice
you can appreciate a good David Lanz song
you cuddle not your significant other
you punch each other with love

so thanks Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Anne Hathaway, Bradley Cooper, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt for being my good company. Just an FYI if ya'll didn't read my Kimmel interview, I won't be at the Miley Cyrus show I'll just be in the taped scenes (commercials and trailers). Speaking of Jimmy Kimmel, thank GOD that ridiculous Kanye battle is over, I've never witnessed something so stupid in my life. The writers on Jimmy Kimmel Live!'s job is to make jokes that get a reaction out of the audience, I love the Kanye thinks that Jimmy writes the jokes himself, it doesn't matter how close you are there will always be a joke about any and every celebrity. God.
