Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bradley Cooper and Christina Essenelle Interview-part1


E: Bradley you are about to wrap up filming on Cameron Crowe's new project and are now starting a new role as Rocket Racoon in Guardians of the Galaxy! So are you just someone who loves to be busy or...?
B: Ha ha, no I'm actually not that busy, Rocket Racoon is a voiceover so it's a pretty relaxing schedule kind of, come in when you can twice a week. Christina's much busier than me.
E: Or really is that true?
C: Yeah I'm psychotically busy. Well, SNL skits take up a lot of my time because you have to memorize those lines, I hate defaulting to those cue cards it's not fair to the audience that came in to see you be funny when you haven't even memorized your lines you know? And then I do UCB shows and practices twice or three times a week, and then I'm starting a new movie with Christopher Nolan, Ryan Gosling, Liam Neeson...the greats, and so we're table reading that right now and then I'm enrolled as a full time student at Columbia majoring in Psychology with a triple minor in Forensics, Human Development and Family Studies, and Sociology, and I'm currently work-shopping a musical with John Stamos right now so...yeah I'm pretty busy.
E: Oh wow! So many things in motion!
C: Yeah and Nightwing comes out in a month and a half so interviews are gonna start happening soon and I don't even know how that's gonna pan out...
E: How do you two find time to just be alone with each other?
B: We find time, well we live together so we see each other when we can.
C: It's nice having someone to come home to, I don't think I could ever live alone.