Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence on Conan

My good friend Jennifer Lawrence was on Conan a few days ago! She gave such a wonderful performance and to you non believers out there who thought I exaggerated about that party at Jen's, IT HAPPENED PEOPLE. Anyways, today I did some more training and filmed a little scene that was done quickly. We're almost done shooting this movie! Well at least I'm almost done. I know Joe has a lot more to do as well as Javier. OH! Jules comes to NYC for a week on the 17th! I am so so SO excited because I've missed him so so SO damn much. I've got a lot of stuff planned to, gonna go see a Broadway musical too! By the way for all those reading this who are also in a long distance relationship: it is possible. I've been doing it since August and it is manageable. You just gotta put in a little effort is all. That's all I really gotta say not much going on right now, I'm gonna go watch the movie Birds by Alfred Hitchcock and then I'll get lunch and...yeah I'm really not doing anything. I am truly sad that 30 Rock is over though. That was a really sad ending, and The Office is taking a very dramatic turn with it's season finale. I won't spoil anything for those of you who are still in the process of watching the show. I think after I write this Nasim and I are gonna watch: Modern Family, Top Chef, American Idol, and Workaholics. Cause we're tv-holics, and bored. No SNL means Nasim is doing NOTHING. I do have some plans for the weekend though, going to a UCB show on Friday and then heading to Jen's afterwards, then Saturday I'm going to a party at Joe's current whearabouts. Should be fun, more interesting stuff to come! See ya.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Yesterday I had a jam packed movie shoot. It was probably the most emotional shoot I've ever done (obviously because I do comedy and this movie is far from comedy...really far from it. Like the last time you see me in the movie is probably the most depressing scene ever, haha) and it involved me, Joe, Gary, and Logan Lerman (who I haven't worked with at all in the movie till yesterday, his part doesn't really coincide with mine till the end, and I haven't seen Perks of Being a Wallflower so don't judge my views on him I really don't know much). It was so freakin' beautiful and sad. Man, I cried. Gary cried. Shit got REAL yesterday. And shit will get more real as we get into the more serious scenes.

The cool thing is I don't even miss comedy, drama is so powerful it's insane.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Week with No One

Woo what an amazing show last night! Adam Levine rocked the SNL stage once again. And now we've got a nice blank week and then after...Justin Bieber! I don't care much for BieberFever but it should be good show!

Happy Superbowl Sunday everyone! I honestly have no one to root for because New York isn't playing but since Jules is in California I'll root for the 49 ers. It's me, Brad, Jen, Ryan Gosling, Amy, and Seth. Weird group but I love 'em!

I got a wonderful song from Tyson Ritter last night in my room. Things have been very weird between us and I think last night we finally squashed everything and now we're moving on as friends. Let's hope that stays that way, I have a feeling it won't but I'll give him a second chance. God knows Jules won't.