Thursday, November 8, 2012


Had a bit of a scare at that fundraiser! Honestly I don't really want to talk about it, I already had a press conference over the uninvited visitor so I wouldn't press on much further on this discussion. I'm fine, and Joe is not in trouble, do not worry public! If I were actually worried I wouldn't be doing SNL this Saturday...BUT I AM! Louis C.K. has been so much fun to work with, he's a weird guy but really funny. And just in case Jimmy Carr is reading this you can add another celebrity to the list cause I'm making on some Louis in this episode. I'm not in too many scenes this week, just 2 actually but they're really good and the show should be great, minus that one scene which Louis apparently demanded we do it, for the sake of knowing it would be awful but he wanted to do it anyways. Ha, okay, sure, why not. I'm not in it so I don't really care.

Filming has been going well, Joe hasn't been filmed for the past 2 weeks but I have. I have a lot of little things to do for the movie like photo shoots and training and action sequences. It's crazy. I got to work with Gary Oldman today! It was very exciting, I got to show off my recently-acquired gymnastics skills and got to be sassy to Gary as well. Great day, good filming. He's such a good actor it's unreal. He only slipped up once and that's cause he called me Christina instead of my character's name. Hilarious.