Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving is here and you know what the means...JULIAN AND I WILL BE REUNITED AT LAAAASSSTTT! I'm going to California to go see him and we will have dinner at the house he and the rest of The Strokes have been staying in. It's in Los Angeles but I'm not sure where region of LA. I'm so excited to see Jules again, sure I'm gonna miss Joe and Nasim and the rest of my SNL buddies but I've been craving to see Jules. I mean, 6 weeks apart! That's crazy! Ah! However Julian promised that this break was the longest that we'll ever have to be apart and no more long periods of us not being together anymore (:

I go back to NYC on Sunday morning and then Julian will be living back in NYC for 3 weeks starting in the middle of December and then we switch off every month from there and then in May when SNL ends Julian will be back in NYC for the rest of the summer. Hopefully the album will also be done by then! I'd like to really thank my fans and the fans of SNL and the Strokes for keeping this blog alive since I barely am. My assistant appreciates the emails, they're hilarious. He showed me a few of the ones with video guys send us the craziest shit.

Jules Jules Jules. I'm having so much fun filming this movie and making memories but I wish Jules were here along for the ride. Parties have definitely been a lot crazier without Jules here. I mean...parties have been crazy. Don't get me wrong I love going to a party with Jules but I'm usually on his arm and having a conversation but now...I feel like I'm in Animal House. Maybe that's what I'm supposed to be doing, you know? I'm young and I should be in a college atmosphere right now but I grew up a little too fast. Maybe I can be in a movie where I'm a college student. That would be cool, alright movie directors make it happen!

But seriously the parties have been crazy. I went to one on Wednesday last week (don't judge me I party hard on Wednesday) and man...that was a good party. Joe hangs out with a lot of people my age that he's known for a while and we went over to one of their homes a little outside the city and just went nuts. We played this game called Wizard Staff where you drink beer and after you finish one can you tape it to your next beer and you end up with this big staff! And after 4 beers you have to take a shot of some hard liquor and that's your "boss" level. So, I had a lovely 7 beer can wizard staff but Joe took the cake with 11. (Truth be told I'm listening to a live performance by The Strokes of Razorblade...why can't it be tomorrow yet??) Then we got lots of food and Joe and I crashed at around 5:30am after talking about everything in the universe and having a glow-stick fight. Shit gets REAL in New York City.

I was watching Cake Boss the other day and Buddy had to deliver a cake to some socialite who lived in Manhattan and was having a party at Alice's Tea Cup (love that place, went there for the 1st time this summer) and Buddy was saying how there's some people who live in Manhattan and that there's nothing else besides Manhattan and how New Jersey was cool too. WELL BUDDY, I agree that some bitches in Manhattan are snooty but let's be real: New Jersey is a pretty horrible place to live. Doesn't mean that you're cake shop isn't the coolest thing in the world (because it is and I love your show) but let's be real here...New York is 100X better than New Jersey.

Peace and Love,

P.S. If Tyra Banks is reading this I want a signed photograph of you when you were 23 for my 23rd birthday.