Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 16-21 {London}

Sadly yes, Brooks Wheelan is no longer a member of the SNL cast. But that's what happens when you don't fight every week for scenes! The London blog is so long that I'm going to have to condense it because it's just so massive:

I went with James to Edinburgh and the Highlands for my 24th birthday! It was fantastic and I absolutely the scenic beauty of it all, apparently the Harry Potter people used Scotland for like 99% of their backgrounds. So just being there was like being in the movies.

I went to Amsterdam and Bruges with Hugh and Tom Hiddles! It was interesting, there were some arguments and we were in an interesting crowd but overall it was a fun trip. We didn't get back till 2am though and we had class early the next day so that was a little annoying.

Tom Hardy punched me in the face! It was an accident but still something I want to remember haha

Bradley visited me in London and we went to the Spitalfields market! It was a lot of fun and on Wed July 16th he'll be coming to LA to live with me along with Jennifer Lawrence.

I saw Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre with the whole group! It was very difficult to understand because of the ye olde English.

Hiddles, Keira, Benedict and myself preformed the ballet from Swan Lake and I was the black swan and Keira was the white, it was a lot of fun but also a very disciplined practice.

I hung out with Noel several times, he's a lot of fun. Noel and Trevor Moore sometimes.

I did not go to Wimbledon contrary to Bradley going but I did follow the World Cup heavily, CONGRATS GERMANY!

Those are the highlights but now I'm back to my PARTY MANSION! in Los Angeles. Right now it's Knoxville and Chris here and last night we had a party with Katy Perry, Lana Del Ray, Emma Stone, and Drew Barrymore. I love Drew, she's fantastic and I'll probably see her a lot this summer. Lana and I both ended up getting a little too drunk but hey, fun times are fun times. We had a fun bath party too, it was an epic night. Knoxville wasn't there the whole time though. Neither was Katy but that's ok, she's still cool as heck. Everyone else slept over.

Look at lil' Katy, she cute as hell.