Monday, January 4, 2016

A Week in the Coldorado

Coldorado, haha, get it? Instead of Colorado? I'm great.

Arrive December 27th
Dinner - Cabin 6:30pm

Left for the airport at 11am, plane left at 12:50, well, it was scheduled to leave then and then I fell asleep and 45 minutes later we still didn't take off so that was funny. Haha, but the flight was pretty good! I got to color in an adult coloring book (super cool, right? haha) and then we landed, froze on the bus to the hotel, ate food and passed OUT. So tired, but a great day nonetheless.
 view from First Class


December 28th Saddleback Ranch-1pm
Dinner- Yama/Sushi 6:30pm
Ah, what an awesome day. Most people are skiing/snowboarding (4 Strokes, 2 Monkeys, and Justyna). Illy and Nikolai are doing stuff with the kids (tubing today I believe), and then Alex and Nick are staying around the hotel doing various things. At 10:30am Alex, Nick and I got breakfast at the hotel cafe (salmon bagel for the win!), and then played some card games and watched some TV back in the hotel room. Then Alex and I were off to horseback riding! (Alex's Christmas gift from me). We listened to music on the way up, what a gorgeous view as well. Snowiest Alex has ever seen. He showed me a song that reminded him of me and I did the same, I love exchanging music. I love when people say "Oh you're hanging with Alex Turner he's such a badass" because to me he is like the tiniest little puppy dog, adorable and full of love.

The ranch was freezing cold, thankfully we got hand warmers. Alex was so unbelievable under-dressed it was ridiculous. He was wearing ski trousers over regular trousers and then just a long sleeve shirt and a leather jacket, which was ridiculous. Forgot GLOVES! We bought some there but still. Our toes were frozen by the end of the ride. Ugh, and what a fun ride it was. It was 2 hours and there was a race somehow involved and so they told people to get team names by who they came with, so there was 'The Barkley Family' and 'Rob and Gemma' and 'The Miloths' and Alex and my team name which was 'Jasper and Jinx'. We figured it would be funny to pretend to be someone else since all the other team names were just. . . their names. So we were Jasper and Jinx for this trip and no one recognized either of us since we were decked out head to toe in snow gear (Alex was more recognizable but still, no dice) and it was hilarious. We were both from Sheffield, married for two years, no kids, had a first kiss story, wedding stories (small wedding but large reception), it was hilarious. Alex wasn't super comfortable on a horse but it was too funny not to watch him struggle with that horse. I just had so much fun laughing and just goofing around. I think the only time I stopped smiling was when we got back to the cabin for hot chocolate and I had to defrost my toes. We actually were so exhausted that we both fell asleep on the bus back. Then, as per request by Alex we attempted to watch Richard Ayoade's move Submarine but both fell asleep. I'm going to watch it once I finish writing this post.

Dinner didn't go as planned. We got downstairs and there was some kind of argument that led to Nick, Amanda, Albert, and Justyna to ditch dinner. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk. So we went to this sushi place anyway, and the waitress was miserable but the food was pretty okay. Haha. Also, on the horseback riding trip Alex and I signed up for an ICE CLIMBING CLASS so get ready for that story tomorrow! Haha.


 alex's horse on the right, my horse in front!

my horse loved Snow

Saw this on the walk back from Sushi

December 29th
Ice Climbing-1pm
Dinner -E3 Chop 6:00pm

Oh my god. I watched Submarine, cried. Thank you Richard Ayoade for such a beautiful film. And thank you Alex for that gorgeous soundtrack. . . love the film bit with Alex's 'Hiding Tonight'. Ah, so freaking good. Apparently the book is funny? Gotta read it. Can't wait to see Richard Ayoade for BIG FAT QUIZ OF EVERYTHING!! We fly out on the 3rd I believe and immediately film for 20+ hours on the 4th, editing on the 5th, premieres on the 6th!

Alex and I went ice climbing today!! It was absolutely phenomenal, he's really good at it! Got right up to the top of the frozen waterfall in like . . . 10 minutes (pretty quick for a beginner). What we did was trek for 1/4 mile to this frozen waterfall (no easy task!) and then we got these little ice picks and crampons on our feet and just, well, did it! It was fun! Exhausting though, thought I might pass out after I made it to the top. We had Matt and Nick join us after an hour or so and their instructor brought guide dogs that were so sweet! We actually were out in the woods so long that we almost missed dinner! Whoops! Well worth it though. Our instructor was very cool, lived out of his car, loved the stars and planets, and the moon. Alex's favorite part was me screaming when I reached the top, my favorite part was watching Alex uncomfortably get into his gear, haha.

December 30th + December 31st

Sick as a dog. :( Spent the entire two days in bed watching the Mighty Boosh and sleeping, trying to keep fluids in, chugging water/gatorade, and sleeping. Feverish and dying. No fun. Missed NYE too! Ugh, oh well.

Okay, so I had the most stoner doctor ever, he was hilarious in a kind of off-putting way. Gave me a z-pack and codeine and since Jules was with the strokes skiing I went with Alex. It was rough, I basically shook and slept while he had to pick up food and prescriptions for me. Poor guy! But incredibly nice guy <3

Mr. Turner, New Year's Eve

January 1st Grand Spa 11:00am
Dinner- Harwig's 6:00pm

Happy New Year! Jules and I got a couples massage because I started to feel better and I got beaten to death by the woman but I knew I needed it. I then went back to my room to sleep off some of the sickness. I did somewhat rally for dinner but felt very feverish right after. We played a nice game of poker and I dominated. Lost to Albert in the end but it was close!

January 2nd - Downtown shopping
Dinner- Bistro C.V. 6:15pm

Last full day in Colorado! Half of us went downtown to get some grub and look at the shops. Lots of geodes and jewelry here! I didn't get anything but Amanda and Justyna definitely had a ball. I tried to get the group to go to a dispensary but they wouldn't touch that idea with a 10-foot pole. I get it, if we were photographed it wouldn't look great but we're in Colorado! Gotta at least have a look right?

It's funny my TV has been just set to Bravo for the past 48 hours and I gotta say, Andy Cohen you rock. Dinner was PHENOMENAL. Truly, one of the best dinners I've had. I had this amazing yellow tail appetizer and then the foie gras for my meal. So freakin' delicious. And now tomorrow I head to London with Alex for the BIG FAT QUIZ!! I'm so excited. I'll try and update you as I can but I obviously can't talk about the episode until after it airs. It's gonna be great! We're staying with Noel too!

Depart January 3rd

Private Jet for Alex and I to London!!

Extra of Nick :)