Thursday, March 14, 2013

Justin Timberlake hosts SNL!

My good friend Justin is hosting SNL this Saturday and I could not be more excited. Well, if I were in NYC I would be more excited. Unfortunately the only time I could see Julian until MAY was this week so I have to be in California. However, I will be in the episode on Saturday, HOW CHRISTINA!? TELL US HOW! Alright Alright, well, I have the script for my scenes (It's a Date, Romantic Comedy, Nuvabling, and an extra [basically] in Caligula) and every time they're going over it in rehearsals and readings they call me and I do my lines from California. And when they're blocking the scenes I'm on skype! Unfortunately due to my absence I will not be featured on hulu (sad sad) so watch the show on TV! And or watch it from a streamed source cause they get that from TV as well...! Instead Vanessa will be in the filmed scenes for the week. Which is whatever. Not all my scenes, I will still be on the internet's Romantic Comedy and Nuvabling because those are commericals/movie trailers. So I'll have to quickly film those on Saturday. I'm going back to NY today so I can get there in time and Jules is coming with me but must be back for Monday for interviews and what not. Which kills but whatever.

Get stoked for JT!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Westward Bound

Tonight I'm heading to California for a week so no you will not see me on this week's SNL, but that's quite alright, because I'll be on next week's with Justin Timberlake! A good friend of mine who is also the musical guest. I'm very excited to get to be with Julian in California, happy to get to put my toes in the sand and out of the snow!

Update, stuck at the airport because of the snow. If someone here recognizes me. TELL ME A STORY OR SOMETHING. I am dying of boredom. My flight was supposed to leave at 7:30PM and I was supposed to get to California at 10:20PM but now my flight is at 9:47PM and I'll get to California at 1:12AM. Ridiculousness. COME ON WEATHER.                                                                                                                                

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jen on Jen on Jen on Jen

As of today I am officially done with filming with the wondrous people that are in on the film with me. For the next year I think it's all editing and what not, I'm not exactly sure but I am done! I'm going to miss working on set with Joe and Javier and Chris and Gary and Enrique. And of course I work with a million other people on set but let's be real, 99% of my time is with them. It has been such a pleasure getting to be opposite of THE Joseph Gordon-Levitt and to cower in fear from award winning Javier Bardem and to work under the incredible and world renown director Christopher Nolan and to be the daughter of immensely talented Gary Oldman and to get to work with Olympic trainer and new friend Enrique Log has been an absolute dream and it sucks that the filming is over because I'm going to miss hanging out with them every day so much. I will miss you all and I hope that we continue to be good friends, let's pray for a sequel! At least I am.

The Oscars were last Sunday and they were so much fun! I was there with Julian (finally!) and we had a blast. Shout out to Jennifer Lawrence for winning Best Actress for Silver Linings playbook! As a good friend to Jen I must say, GIRL YOU CAN'T JUST FALL AT THE OSCARS AND NOT GET HELPED BY BRAD AND HUGH JACKMAN. PLAY THAT SHIT UP JLAW. Another shout-out the my good friend Anne Hathaway for winning Best Supporting Actress, YOU ROCK ANNE! And another congratulations to recent SNL host Christoph Waltz for winning Best Supporting Actor, I didn't see your movie but I love your accent dearly. And a super big congratulations to someone I haven't met but I think is so damn amazing, ADELE. DAMN GIRL YOU ARE SO TALENTED. AGH.

"Christina, your boyfriend is the lead singer of The Strokes, talk about The Strokes!" OKAY ANONYMOUS MESSAGES. The Strokes, my favorite band in the entire universe for obvious reasons, is releasing their new album "Comedown Machine" on the 26th of March this year (or so Ryan Gentles has promised) and if you haven't already heard their two already released songs then today is your lucky day! Here's the link to All the Time:
and to One Way Trigger:

it's marvelous. They really got stuff done out in California. Next week Kevin Hart is taking the SNL stage with musical guests Macklemore and Ryan Lewis! I'm gonna be honest, I'm obsessed with Thrift Shop and know all the words, someone please challenge me on the street, I am not joking.

And lastly out of all my paragraphs I'd just like to say that Jen and I are inseparable and will now do interviews together. BOOK US NOW!