Thursday, June 14, 2012

June Bloom

Hey everyone! Because of the lack of SNL (i.e. lack of LIFE) I'm going to have a lot more time to post on here! So whats been happening in my neck of the woods, well, I'm watching the bachelorette right now who looks just like my friend, I really like this season, the guys seem nice. Except Arie kisses weird and Kalon is a fucking bitch, and the guy she went on the first date with seemed cool at first and then got real weird with his "you can't get fat" schpeal. Anywho, I LOVE JEFF AND SEAN! They're really sweet, I like how Emily is handling the boys because she's sending boys home on the one-on-one dates and that's something bachelor/ettes don't normally do cause they're little bitches.

Idk, I don't like the show in general because I think it's sick and twisted but I do like looking at boys :p I am no cheater though, suck on that press. I'm having a great day today, it's SUNNY which is surprising because it's never sunny in England, oh! It's my birthday next Friday! Yee!! I'm having a party (of course) and I'm really excited for that, I'm also excited to be graduating high school (at the age of 21...I know), my gown is yellow and I got my yearbook yesterday and it was so bittersweet. I love all my friends at school and it makes me so sad that they are going to college and I might, probably, be staying in New York City for a while...a while. So, the yearbook comments are really sweet but I just wish everyone would stop leaving! friends...Will...Andy/Jason maybes...ugh. I miss people too much.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Goodbye Kristen Wiig

Kristen's been on this show for seven years! I've only been on it for two years and the drama has just piled on top of me. SNL has been such a rollercoaster ride for me...and it's only been two years. Kristen's fantastic, got married this year in Vegas, got to show her new movie Bridesmaids and get many nominations and awards for it as well, she's been an incredible actress on SNL and an incredible mentor to me and I'm going to miss her incredibly. We had a big party for her after the show and she was crying and we were crying and agh..I'm just gonna miss her!

And now to answer some fan questions:

I heard that Andy and Jason are leaving too, is that true?- Sam from Wisconsin
Well there was a big controversy because of that, Jason and Andy were thinking about leaving but they are either going to leave or they're gonna weasel money out of Lorne's pocket's to stay. Which is really frustrating. Kristen sent me on a mission to get Andy back for the show cause she think I have any authority over him (which I don't) and he basically told me that he was leaving. Which is a bummer but then again what has he done for this show in the past 2 seasons that wasn't just the digital shorts? Akiva and Jorma would still stay, and they wrote and directed and produced the shorts (with the help of Lorne of course) so I do not see why Andy leaving is such a big deal. He likes to think that just because his movie "That's My Boy" is coming out that that's his big break like how Bridesmaids was Kristens's not! And neither is Horrible Bosses for Jason! Stay on SNL where you're wanted unlike your flop Hot Rod and your flop Cedar Rapids. The media will murder you, don't leave SNL. Don't be stupid. 

How come you don't post lots of posts every day like you use to? -Michelle from Florida
Ah, many reasons and I hate that I don't post nearly as much as I use to. As you probably know The Mighty Boosh is doing another series with me and I'm very excited for that but I am still filming for the new season of the I.T. Crowd...and I might also be filming for Season 4 of Workaholics (Comedy Central American Show starring Blake Anderson, Adam DeVine, Anders Holm)! The executive producer Kevin Etten came backstage to the Josh Brolin show and asked if I would like to do the show, I haven't said yes yet because I might also be...going to college. I KNOW IT'S A STUPID IDEA. Well, not for you kids in school. But for me it's stupid because I'm already making a lot of money now so why go to college just to get a degree to make more money...but I actually want to go because it's 1) An experience I'll never get to experience for real unless faking it on a set 2) I could make a difference if I showed people that even I'm going to college and I don't need to 3) It's something that I promised myself I would do. And I know that sounds cheesy and stuff but you might see me in college next year. I have yet to accept or defer my acceptance. Acceptance where you say? Well, I'd be class of 2016 at Purdue University. Yup no Brown or Cornell, Purdue University. A great school, in the middle of nowhere, in a great college town, with great people. I've already toured the school and everything. You also have to remember kids that I was practically homeless when I applied to getting in was a miracle. So yeah, I've been busy. Sorry Michelle.

Are things with Julian okay? I NEVER KNOW CAUSE YOU STOP POSTING AEUGFSKBSODF -Sophie from Connecticut

Jules? We're perfect! We did hit a rough patch with the whole thingy thing that happened but we're totally fine now. We still live in the same room at 30 Rock, with his dogs and my fish (AH I forgot to tell you [I think] Quilliam died :( so I got a new fish bowl cause I didn't want Coco getting sad) and we're just peachy! We figured out that because of the ridiculous back and forth schedule I had of not seeing him and living with someone who hated Jules it really put a wedge in our relationship and something bad was bound to happen with all the time away from each other. So now Julian comes with me to England to film, we rented an apartment in London and are living these part time, unless Jules is working with the band then he stays in the states. Either we're both busy or we're in the same city! That's how it's gonna work. And I worked out a deal with The I.T. Crowd where I was there for a week of filming and not there for a week of filming to be in NYC for SNL. 

How's it like working with The I.T. Crowd? -Scott from Delaware
We're on our last episode now and it should be done in about a month or so. These episodes take a lot more time filming because of the actors and script. The Boosh was mainly improv to be honest and The I.T. Crowd is pure script so it's been taking a little bit longer to film. But man The I.T. Crowd has been such a fun experience that's not over yet! My schedule, as I said in the last question, is one week on one week off, except now that SNL is over I've been on for the past 3 weeks. Rich Ayoade is such a fun person to hang out with and he's always been my go-to "this person is pissing me off make me laugh" guy, Chris is a lot of fun to hang out with as well but he's very busy. I think he's working on a movie right now so we don't really hang out as much as Rich and I do. Rich, myself, and Matt hang out ALL THE TIME. Matt Berry: a.k.a. one of my newest best friends. He's the sweetest, funniest, most ridiculous person you'll ever meet. We (the three of us[Rich, Matt, and I]) go out to clubs a lot and it's always a blast because Rich has always got something funny up his sleeve. Graham has been such a phenomenal director and he's so easy to work with. He tells you if you're doing something wrong and then if you keep doing it incorrectly then he'll pull you aside and will tell you to get your shit together. He's really cool and has an awesome haircut. 

and last question for now:

What's changed since you went on blogger-leave? -Marshall from Illinois
Well since my last post at the end of March I've been back and forth between I.T. Crowd and SNL and I've been mentoring Kate Mckinnon (not Kristen's replacement even though everyone likes to think she is) she's cool. I dunno, it's weird for me because I am weird around girls and Lorne asked me to take her under my wing and she's like 30 years old so it's an interesting dynamic. She hasn't gotten the "you're gonna have such a difficult time making friends at NBC if you don't hang out with us" rule or the "don't look at the camera you're breaking the fourth wall" rule. But she's okay like I said, not bad, not great, she's okay. We're working on it. One thing that's changed that I haven't really talked about is the dynamic between me and the rest of The Strokes. There was a concert back when Jules and I were on break and I went to see them and I got to the front row and while they were setting up for another song I yelled out to Jules and he saw me and I hadn't seen him in weeks and he just stood there shocked and then smiled. Now, in my head I thought, if he plays a song that he wrote for me then he stills loves and wants me but if he plays some sad depressing song then he doesn't want me. Next song they played was Juicebox. Ouch. But something interesting happened that I only slightly noticed. Nick started playing the beginning chords of the song and then everyone else joined in and when Nick started playing Jules looked at him like "what're you doing?" was confusing to say the least. Well, about a week later I called up Nick and he told me that he knew Jules was going to play a song like Evening Sun or Little Girl and Nick didn't want us getting back together. The band didn't want us getting back together. Nick said I was toxic to the group and that I was screwing up the group chemistry. I told him to go fuck himself and I took the next flight to NYC. I found Jules and explained everything while he explained everything and we've been together ever since. A week after we got back together Julian and I went to Fab's house and he was happy we were together, and so were Albert and Nikolai. It was just Nick. Nick and I to this day aren't friends and I haven't hung out with all the Strokes since then either. It sucks because that was my home away from home but, I still see Fab and Albert and Nikolai just not all together. And that's truly unfortunate that Nick is that way. But he's always been a bit of a hot head and a bit of a jerk. 
